Piss of dude, go back to page 1 and 2 and read where people started with their comments and "advise", if that's what you call it. I didn't come on here and say " Hey DICKS, look at me everyone....I got the badddeesstttt XJ on 38s with doubler so kiss my ass" Than I would understand your comment but clearly I came on here happy as an fairly newcomer to start a thread on a cool build that I THOUGHT would be supportive by more than 1 guy out of 50some, but I was wrong and now I know any Serious questions I have to take to my local Rock Crawler builder who will actually spend time to talk to me about my rig and find a way to confidently pursue what I'm thinking of and when it is extreme or maybe 'stupid', tell me in a friendly manner not "ur endangering your family and those in boone" As Far as GOOD PEOPLE, I haven't really seen one here yet, not on this thread anyways. All I got is BASHED because of my XJ liking and my setup and that's why I became an ASS because I'm tired of everyone always talking shit about XJs. SO PISS OFF TO YOU TOO HATER and go to your GOOD PEOPLE