Cl find of the day

Also, Jeep has had aluminum housing D44's in the back of Grand Cherokee's since the 90's.
Didn't know that one. How do they hold up? One tip I was given was never use a carrier spreader on an Explorer unit.
I called Currie and they did not recommend repairing it. They said they would sell me an iron Rockjock housing for a discount, and I would go that route of I had time and had something to put it in.

So was this disclosed in the sale of do we know one resident douchnozzle to avoid doing business with?
So was this disclosed in the sale of do we know one resident douchnozzle to avoid doing business with?
It was not disclosed, but I am 99.9% certain the seller did not know. The axle was quite dirty, and supposedly it was just like he bought it from a guy on Pirate. He claims he had bought it several years and had never installed it. Judging by the rust and mud, I'd believe it because it would be difficult to get it dirty like that without installing it in a vehicle. Once I got it home and cleaned it up, I discovered the crack. I got screwed. I will not screw the next guy.

Having an auction is considered gambling in the great state of NC.

Since NC started the lottery they dont like competition.

If youa re registered as a non profit you can auction items as long as 100% of the proceeds go to the charity and no administration fees are retained.
The penalty is forfeiture of all proceeds AND items...some stupid 5 figure fine and up to 1 year in jail....for a first offense.
The treat it as if you were running books. Felony violation level is set at $100 of proceeds.
Having an auction is considered gambling in the great state of NC.

Since NC started the lottery they dont like competition.

If youa re registered as a non profit you can auction items as long as 100% of the proceeds go to the charity and no administration fees are retained.
The penalty is forfeiture of all proceeds AND items...some stupid 5 figure fine and up to 1 year in jail....for a first offense.
The treat it as if you were running books. Felony violation level is set at $100 of proceeds.

So a raffle and an auction are considered the same thing?
yes. in NC a raffle is considered organized gambling.
Not sure why I inserted the word auction into the prior post....probably because Im a brain dead Monay zombie dumbass after today
As is all those punch ticket tool truck sales gun give a ways......or at least I don't see the loop hole.
So a raffle and an auction are considered the same thing?

Not sure about auction, but raffles are definitely viewed as gambling. I've tried finding ways to raffle off engines at $100/ticket...assuming you could pass the laws within your state, you're not going to make every single state happy. So I keep killing the idea. The only way I've found to get around it is to attach a piece of merchandise to it, so you buy an LEB sticker for $100, and your receipt is entered into a the raffle as a 'true give away'. Catch to that is, if you cross state lines, you'll have to satisfy all laws, and not all laws allow you to charge for raffles, so that's when you bury the verbiage somewhere deep on the website or the T&C's stating purchase is not necessary, just fill out the appropriate forms, blah blah blah.
This is a good one "once it is restored i'll probably point and call you a hipster trust fund jackass but only out of the purest love and jealousy. "

But "There is a reason Toyota still sells the LandCruiser and asks way too much for it, it is a point of honor not something they make any money on selling in the states. "
Having an auction is considered gambling in the great state of NC.

Since NC started the lottery they dont like competition.

If youa re registered as a non profit you can auction items as long as 100% of the proceeds go to the charity and no administration fees are retained.
The penalty is forfeiture of all proceeds AND items...some stupid 5 figure fine and up to 1 year in jail....for a first offense.
The treat it as if you were running books. Felony violation level is set at $100 of proceeds.
That's interesting. I have friends that do raffles all the time for their travel ball teams. Usually for guns. They use the money for uniforms and such. I know they are not a non profit. Not defending, just didn't know they could get in trouble.
That was on the local for sale page here too. Except it was $4K!