Going to start encapsulating this weekend (fun times). Does anyone know how far below the sill the wall curtain needs to be in NC? Thought I read somewhere you need to maintain a certain distance for visual termite inspection?
Awesome, thanks!!3-4” min gap at wood to masonry junction for termite inspection.
I shoot for 12” above exterior grade. Much more than that is diminishing returns on all but the North wall.
Also cover all soil, must be pulled taught and securely fastened. All overlaps 12” minimum and securely fastened.
Once you have 12” overlap no need to seal the overlaps as far as performance of the VB.
Luckily the crawlspace on this house is pretty roomy. I have to lean over but no crawling involved. Hoping that makes it an “easy” DIY.
Luckily the crawlspace on this house is pretty roomy. I have to lean over but no crawling involved. Hoping that makes it an “easy” DIY.
Thanks again! I picked up a dehumidifier for the humidity control. I hope to start pulling out the crappy builder plastic and prepping on Saturday.It can be helpful, but also makes you work bending over farther from the ground.
Pm or text me any questions. Poor cell service today and tomorrow but text appears to work.
252-nine 0 3- 9 9 6 2
The cleaner and more level you get the surface before you install the VB the better the results.
Getting it cut/trimmed to fit well and pulled tight make it 100% nicer product.
Regardless of cosmetic, cover all the soil, glue to walls, air seal the foundation walls, get the overlaps 12”, some means to control the humidity, and it will function 100%.
All good man, I'm working on getting all my down spouts draining away from the house. Trying to eliminate some of the moisture problems that already exist first.I hadn’t forgot about you. I think we are doing one for sammi_davis that I need to follow up with and may can work in swinging by on our way back.
All good man, I'm working on getting all my down spouts draining away from the house. Trying to eliminate some of the moisture problems that already exist first.