I know I'm probably going to get creamed for telling this but it's a truth. As for older vehicles, it's easier to just find a parts vehicle that's similar and use the title. Although that can be tuff to find as well if you don't know how to look. But unless you're doing something stupid, there's no reason for a official to crawl under a vehicle to trace the vin from the frame. And that's a pretty tuff task in itself even if you know where to look. Most older vehicles have 1/2" of grease to scrape and then it's still close to impossible to fully desipher. They are usually like finding needles in a haystack since they are usually out of eyes reach.
I restore pre-72 Ford trucks and the vin was rivoted on the inside of the door on a engraved strip of metal. This ain't counting the sticker on the door jam for they are usually faded beyond recognition and even peel off in the heat (aka heat gun
). If you swap doors, you have a different vin basically unless you have the old metal identification strip. So it's easy to just say you swapped doors if ever asked. My best trucks were given to me to just get out of a yard for someone and didn't come with a title. And it's always been out of the way for someone who's giving me a vehicle to go to DMV to trace a title. I always ask but...
Since I have gotten my name out locally for many years with other guys that restore the same, I found connections for empty titles. And I've now sold 3 trucks in the 67-72 range with different titles and never been asked a question. It's been a couple years since my last sell.
But what I'm saying is that if you have your mind set on a certain vehicle, I guarantee you if you get involved with clubs/groups of the same, you'll run across titles if you inquire. And the responses will come from crazy directions usually by private message due to liabilities of selling just a title. Ebay forbids selling just a title? And I really don't know the legalities of selling just titles even though I feel a firm response is about to be gotten!
But I know not just anyone is going to give/sell a title to someone they don't know so it's good to be an active member and participate with events and such to get to know folk. It's probably considered a black market item...