Credit Card Fraud, Again.

Nope. What's this 30 day cycle? I'll have to check mine.
Most (or at least some) companies have the "monthly" cycle set to a length of 30 days. E.g. your due date is 30 days after the previous one. Result is that the bill is not due the same day of the month every month.
I end up calling customer service about every 2 years and asking them to slide my due date back (or is it forward?) to re-adjust it.
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Question - I used to do this - auto-draft - but keep running into trouble with them getting out of cycle. CC requires a 30 day cycle. 12x30 = 360 per year. So I found the payments slowly creeping out of sync w/ monthly payday, screwing up this plan. Do you not have this problem?

Strange. Mine has been due on the 25th of every month since I started it in 1999. That's even after I re-applied and got a lower-rate card almost ten years ago. Honestly that sounds like a nice tactic to screw unassuming people.