silent.. but deadly
Mar 17, 2005
Well here goes my weekend...

My house is flodding due to all this rain.. man this is the second time this year...

SO looks like I am gonna have fun riping out all the carpet in my basement and sealing all the walls, etc.. Yippee..
Yup...rain sucks. Been working on a dinning room table for 4 weeks. Customer wants it for Turkey day dinner...and it's gonna be a major PITA to try and deliver today....
Yup...rain sucks. Been working on a dinning room table for 4 weeks. Customer wants it for Turkey day dinner...and it's gonna be a major PITA to try and deliver today....
Yep it sucks, can't hunt deer when they are standing in 2 ft of water........
Good thing I did not take off all week like I had planned..
I did see a few monday but will save them for you...
Got a deer cam to put in the woods to prove there are deer at the stand, they killed 200 lbs of corn in 4 days...
Well here goes my weekend...
My house is flodding due to all this rain.. man this is the second time this year...
SO looks like I am gonna have fun riping out all the carpet in my basement and sealing all the walls, etc.. Yippee..

Damn dude, That sucks...

We lost the canopy off the gazebo on our deck.. ripped right off, leaving the velcro still attached to the frame.. LOL
Need to get a few of them, that would cook good in a turkey fryer..... No need for turkey if you got them...

Not that I'd do anything illegal, but...

Josh's BB gun doesn't have enough "knock down" power for the little buggers, so I'm working on "toning down" the .22 (I live in the city limits & don't want to concern the neighbors or LEOs)

Never had them deep fried, but they're great pan seared and stewed!
(I live in the city limits & don't want to concern the neighbors or LEOs)
Never had them deep fried, but they're great pan seared and stewed!
I have two small varmit traps that I've caught well over 50 squirrels in. They destroy wiring at one of my properties and I have to keep shipping the little boogers out. I just take them elswhere and release them.
They're a lot quieter than a .22 but probably not as much fun!:bounce2:
Not that I'd do anything illegal, but...
Josh's BB gun doesn't have enough "knock down" power for the little buggers, so I'm working on "toning down" the .22 (I live in the city limits & don't want to concern the neighbors or LEOs)
Never had them deep fried, but they're great pan seared and stewed!
Sounds like you need to get a 3 liter drink and drink it, then get a roll of Turd Paper and make it work........
Just scare your neighbors to death...hit that squirl with a SKS or AK...No squirl, no evidence..."I didn't hear nuthin' sir"
Well here goes my weekend...
My house is flodding due to all this rain.. man this is the second time this year...
SO looks like I am gonna have fun riping out all the carpet in my basement and sealing all the walls, etc.. Yippee..

Sealing the walls only works reliably from the outside. My parent's basement always flooded with rains like we've had the past few days, and really bad with Floyd in '99. Instead of digging down to the foundation across the back, I went out about 12' from the house (to avoid patio/etc.) and put in a french drain/curtain drain across the entire width of the back of the house. 2 4" pipes, 7' deep at the deepest end, draining to daylight. I forget how many tons of gravel went in, but it is gravel and stone from the pipe all the way up to the surface, so it also catches ground runoff.

In a heavy rain, the 4" output runs like a firehose. :)

I'd try that first, cheapest and easiest, a couple or three days work with a rental backhoe. (I rented a terramite after my ancient trencher/backhoe broke the crank in the middle of the job. :(
Not that I'd do anything illegal, but...
Josh's BB gun doesn't have enough "knock down" power for the little buggers, so I'm working on "toning down" the .22 (I live in the city limits & don't want to concern the neighbors or LEOs)
Never had them deep fried, but they're great pan seared and stewed!

I've got an old 22 short rifle with an octagon barrel thats about an inch in diameter. It sounds just like an air rifle. let me know if you need to borrow it!! :D
Not that I'd do anything illegal, but...
Josh's BB gun doesn't have enough "knock down" power for the little buggers, so I'm working on "toning down" the .22 (I live in the city limits & don't want to concern the neighbors or LEOs)
Never had them deep fried, but they're great pan seared and stewed!

Just as a heads up. Around here even a BB gun is a firearm inside city limits. My old landlord ended up in court for discharging a firearm within city limits after shooting at my neighbors cat with a c02 BB gun.
Not that I'd do anything illegal, but...
Josh's BB gun doesn't have enough "knock down" power for the little buggers, so I'm working on "toning down" the .22 (I live in the city limits & don't want to concern the neighbors or LEOs)

This will solve your tree rat problem. http://www.aguilaammo.com/supercolibri.htm
They are no louder than a cough. They are very quiet from a .22 rifle.

Thanks for all the "pointers"... what I meant by "toning down" was constructing a device like Jon described... not that I'd have any knowledge of illegal "silencing" devices or anything ;)

Even a short has enough staccato to raise the attention of my "busy body, nothing to do but snoop, & alert the LEOs to ALL illegal activity (except their own!)" neighbors... :rolleyes:

However, a gang of juvies broke into & raided several houses in the neighborhood during the spring... nobody saw a thing :shaking:
Thanks for all the "pointers"... what I meant by "toning down" was constructing a device like Jon described... not that I'd have any knowledge of illegal "silencing" devices or anything ;)
Even a short has enough staccato to raise the attention of my "busy body, nothing to do but snoop, & alert the LEOs to ALL illegal activity (except their own!)" neighbors... :rolleyes:
However, a gang of juvies broke into & raided several houses in the neighborhood during the spring... nobody saw a thing :shaking:

Dave - what about a 4-legged squirrel-chaser-thingy?
Some peopls call 'em "cats".
You have a fence, right? Let it feed itself, if you know what I mean... and don't over-pet it... the squirrels will disappear.
As for thewater issue - Iagree with theabove advice. You need to find out where it's coming from, and re-direct it.

I finished off my basement onl yto have the same problem. I knew it was a potential, and drylocked all the walls twice. I even built in a little aluminum channel in behind the base of my walls (I put in full stud eterior walsl etc) to "catch" water and funnel it to the garage.
Gues what... still flooded. many hours with teh shop vac, and much profanity.
When there's enough water and pressure, it will find a way. I ended up just sitting and watching, staying up real late many nights during very hard rains to investigate... eventually I found where it was pooling around the foundation and had made a hole. This past spring, I dumped many bags of dirt tehre nd re-graded.... no flooding yet...

Here's the other risk. If you just drylock on the inside, that basically forces all the water to back up behind the wall. Just liek the cartoon on the can, in fact. Now *in theory* the rai nwil lstop, and it will seep away. However... what if it dosn't, liek if you have a big sinkhole behind the wall? That's a whole lot of hydrostatic pressure that will build up... and remember, it's still soaking the body of the cynderblock, just not 1 side of it. With enough time it can crack, then all taht pressure has to release.
A neighbor of one my buddies had this happen... and the wall essentially collapsed. Major, major damage.
Well after a long day JOhn Herr and I found al lthe problems..

Two of my side gutters were "t" together but the went no were except to each other so they made a HUGE puddle under the ground on side of house.. that i fixed now..

We also found out where the water was leaig into my crawl space.. That wil be fixed later, for now we dug a hole and I put in a sump pump so that way it wil get rid of any water that makes it in to the crawl space.

Third we riped up the TV rooom carpet to find the previous owner had drilled 2 1/2" holes threw the foundationg into the dirt.. and then left the holes and put capet on top of them.. WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING??

Those wil be fixed in the AM..

Very long day with a lot of work.. I am going to bed now..

BUt yes he ideas for the run off pipes will be put in soon..

He was thinking.... (Bud light in hand)... Gee, if there's water in here, I better make a place for it to go!
Third we riped up the TV rooom carpet to find the previous owner had drilled 2 1/2" holes threw the foundationg into the dirt.. and then left the holes and put capet on top of them.. WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING
Those may well be holes for the termite man to spray through. They should have been sealed off though. Usually they are at about 2' intervals along the outside walls.
Well here goes my weekend...
My house is flodding due to all this rain.. man this is the second time this year...
SO looks like I am gonna have fun riping out all the carpet in my basement and sealing all the walls, etc.. Yippee..

I have a full basement. I live in a old house. It takes a lot of water to make my basement leak but it does. It would cost me $25k to fix mine so it leaks. I have indoor/outdoor carpet in mine just incase. It leaking now. The pump has been running all night. To fix it properly it must be fixed from the outside according to the professionals I have talked to. Its been leaking for over 50 years. It can continue.:shaking: Hope you can get yours fixed. :)
Third we riped up the TV rooom carpet to find the previous owner had drilled 2 1/2" holes threw the foundationg into the dirt.. and then left the holes and put capet on top of them.. WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING??

Uhhh, yeah, my thoughts exactly!! I bet you it wasn't furnished down there when he lived there. He was getting water in during the rains, so he drilled the holes for the water to drain out after the rain stopped.. :shaking:

Some people's kids...
Uhhh, yeah, my thoughts exactly!! I bet you it wasn't furnished down there when he lived there. He was getting water in during the rains, so he drilled the holes for the water to drain out after the rain stopped.. :shaking:
Some people's kids...

Sounds like someone was lied to when they purchased the house. I was lied to about a lot of stuff on my house. :mad: