Damn rip off county government

That is my opinion, and just my opinion, whats wrong with it?
OF someone that calls a current President of the United States and wishes bad on them........

nope nothing wrong with you stating your opinion either..

the way I read it was you were calling him POS for researching his roots and considering leaving the US.

Like always the internet is so damn difficult to understand peoples text :)
Great thing about our country is that all 3 of you can have your opinions... I think Ken's point was, is he really a POS for having his own opinion? After all Seairescue did state he was considering leaving just as you wished him too.

Great thing about our country is that all 3 of you can have your opinions... I think Ken's point was, is he really a POS for having his own opinion? After all Seairescue did state he was considering leaving just as you wished him too.


Like most it is all talk.....

The point is: What he said and who it was about, Nothing about the fact he is considering leaving other then it is a bunch of BS, and like most they keep bring it up and will never follow through and do it. Remember 4 years back and 8 years back all the people that said they were going to pack there bags and sell all there stuff then move out, away from the USA, don't remember seeing it.
I think it's fine to say you don't like what someone has done in office, sure there are things he has done I did not like but to come at him like what was done, was out of line, to me.

BTW to back up a little and let me say this, he is not a POS for having a opinion and I don't want to sound that way. Everyone can have and voice there opinions, cool, but he crossed the line in my book. I feel, it is, and was my opinion he was a POS for the way and words he used to form his opinion.
There it be.... My opinion...
Of course it doesn't matter.
Once we get the new monkeys in Nov, they will just blame all the issues on the old monkeys, and then proceed to make their own issues.
But yes, we need the check box for vote out all idiots.
And ban lobbyists, and corporations should NOT be able to donate. etc
Oh well.

I predict the outcome of theelections in Nov
WE lose.
(We= not big corporations If you happen to be a big corporation, then well, you will win and you suck.)

