Daniel ?

Snappy, I have no problem helping out. When you speak about the camp sites do you mean just checking everything is in order and in place like it's supposed to be? I mean I don't want to walk up on folks campsites like I own the place. I have can get rid of downed branches and whatnot no prob as I am going to need something to burn anyway
Correct on both statements. I dont want anyone to have run in's with campers but just give the empty sites a little tlc is all. Its the simple things that we have been back shelving this year.... And the gps stuff is for the next propsal for more trail milage.
I might be heading out there, Tuesday night or Wednesday.I will definitely be there on Sunday, so with the rest of, CORE4x4, be there on Sunday.
Correct on both statements. I dont want anyone to have run in's with campers but just give the empty sites a little tlc is all. Its the simple things that we have been back shelving this year.... And the gps stuff is for the next propsal for more trail milage.

I will def do what I can to help out. I should have a bit of down time while I am there so I can make the rounds at the camp sites. Also while I am on the trails I will do my best to make note of the erosion control stuff and coordinates
Im gonna head out there Friday night and stay the weekend weather allowing. Anyone going this weekend?
I'm heading out there Friday hoping to be at arrowhead by six but it's also my first time out there but come by my camp and I'll help ya out around the campground and we can go ride I'm camping in arrowhead at spot 28
Daniel seemed plenty fun for me on Saturday.

What wasn't fun was the group of 6 asshats in front of me that made me and my family wait an hour to get up to the difficult section.

Seriously people WTF.
I'm heading out there Friday hoping to be at arrowhead by six but it's also my first time out there but come by my camp and I'll help ya out around the campground and we can go ride I'm camping in arrowhead at spot 28

Good deal man I'm at #12 I will stop by when I get there hopefully around 7 at the latest
Jake, the gps coordinates associated with a picture of the practice at that location would be nice, most of these will be broad base dips, water bars, low water crossings, sediment traps, diversion dithes, and so on. I don't think you need to worry about temporary practices like straw bales.

I think the contractor for the FS has recently maintained the practices so this is a good time to inventory them and document their condition. If you see something that needs attention please make a note of it so it can be addressed.

Such an inventory will be very value able for continued maintenance and to prove the volunteer efforts are focused in the right direction. Such a database will be helpful as we continue to try to get additional trail mileage for UwHarrie.

Thanks for your help.
Daniel seemed plenty fun for me on Saturday.

What wasn't fun was the group of 6 asshats in front of me that made me and my family wait an hour to get up to the difficult section.

Seriously people WTF.

Man, that just seems like standard procedure for many of the dickheads at URE. About two years ago I took my father down there for his first and only wheeling trip so far in his life (he was 77 yrs old at the time). We started up Daniel late in the day and came up on an old Land Cruiser right before the first ledge. It wouldn’t run worth a shit when the front end got high, but he managed to get over the first ledge and through the S-turn up to the second ledge, but that is where his progress stopped. The POS sputtered and puked and wouldn’t get up the second ledge due to the front end being up in the air. He proceeded to sit there on the second ledge and take the carburetor apart THREE times attempting to fix the problem. I offered help and tools, but he wasn’t particularly friendly, and did not want any help or tools. I sat there for about 30-45 minutes waiting on him, hoping that each time he took it apart, he would discover the magical cure for a carburetor to run on an incline. During that time, people were coming down from the top or up from the bottom, and having to turn around or back up the narrow trail that leads up from the second ledge. The asshole in the Land Cruiser did not care at all that he was blocking the trail for everyone. I eventually gave up on waiting for him to get it fixed, and turned around. He should have backed off the ledge and down to the flat spot at the bottom of the S-turn, and moved over to the side of the trail to work on his rig. Whenever I or someone in my group is broken done and blocking a trail, I always walk up to people’s rigs who come up on us and let them know what the situation is, and how long I think we will be blocking the trail, so they can determine if they would like to wait, find a way around, or turn around. So many people at URE just have no common courtesy.
I helped change a driveshaft u-joint on the steepest part of Daniel while my buddy sat in his rig and held the brakes. Needless to say, we didnt dick around; we got it done quickly. Of course no one had to wait on us, but a few had to take the easier line and go around. Some people dont have the courtesy to even try to get out of the way.
Some people dont have the courtesy to even try to get out of the way.

X2! My dad and I were out there on weekend last year and it started raining. We came up on a group of three rigs the last one wouldn't run but it was able to roll. They stopped in the middle of wolf den and waited out the rain then spent 20 minutes trying to get it cranked before strapping it to a clearing 100 feet further up the trail. Why not pull it on up there to begin with?

Some people just don't think. I could understand if it was missing a knuckle or something but this truck was on all 4.
Dan. Not all us Cruiser guys are that bad. Some of us know when to get the heck out of the way somehow. But that very reason is why mine is going on pane here very soon.
So I didn't really get anything done this weekend, mostly because I didn't know where I was, and also because I had no signal on my phone to get gps while I was riding. I had a blast though, my first time out and we rode every single trail. Daniel was fun though, coming through the rocks with 10-15 people watching was fun
I took my Tacoma down Saturday, but a friend broke a front diff mount on his tracker very early. All we got to do was Falls Dam and Dickey Bell. The far left line on dickey bell is a challenge with ifs and 33's. There are some good maps on here. Like you, I should have printed one out before I left home.
I took the easy line (far right) on dickey bell saturday. It went up so easy I tried to go straight up the middle today but it ended up slipping on the big rock so I ran the far left line. Went up like a pro. I wanted to ride Daniel again but the guy that was with me was ready to go home so I rolled out
@Jake. i'll send you those pictures as soon as they get sent to me.... blew out a trailer tire on the way home so took way longer than what was planned for lol but good to meet you hope we can meet up and ride again.
I took my Tacoma down Saturday, but a friend broke a front diff mount on his tracker very early. All we got to do was Falls Dam and Dickey Bell. The far left line on dickey bell is a challenge with ifs and 33's. There are some good maps on here. Like you, I should have printed one out before I left home.

I had a little issue in the middle section of the hill climb after the ledge on the left side if Dickey. Some how I walk the upper left side. It's getting fun though.
I had a little issue in the middle section of the hill climb after the ledge on the left side if Dickey. Some how I walk the upper left side. It's getting fun though.

Just the opposite for me. I had to hit the middle section harder than I wanted, but it was fairly uneventful. The top section... I was against the bank on the left and had to beat it fairly hard. At one point the front end popped up and came down so hard I really thought it should have broken something. But I made it after a few tries and a dented fender.

back on the topic of trail maintenance. I haven't been to URE in several years, and it was much more difficult than I thought Dickey Bell should be. That's where you used to go if you had a stock vehicle. I can't wait to go back and try the hard trails. To all involved, keep up the good work. Hopefully I can make it out to workday sometime this summer.
the 2014 map that DRaider90 has kindly produced is accurate IMO. it has been updated to show the Kodak closing on the loop and the re-ratings are good (like Dickey Bell - Orange now instead of Blue and the accessible part of Rockey Mountain Loop - Blue instead of Orange since Kodak and the lower ledge is closed).
Daniel is a blast but the carnage/blockage has been excessive on busier days.

Going to URE for a 4-day weekend to wheel with family and friends. We will have about ten trucks, from stock to a Jeep on full widths' with 38 TSL's. How are the two ledges on Daniel from Cotton Place Parking Lot?


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