did I just do this...yep stupid you did...LMBO


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2013
Newton, NC
wanna good laugh at Fuller listen to this:
so some friends gave us this wireless dog fence, pretty good unit too to see if it would work with our Shepherd when I leave the shop and give her more "room to roam" a little. So I wanted to see if it worked still since it's been in their garage on a shelf for little over 5 yrs. I went bought new batteries for the collar, but this specific collar has no light on it so couldn't tell if it worked. This wireless fence collar they said was for big stubborn dogs as theirs was big boy.
So I call the company who sells these and ask how to test it.....guy was like "not really a way to test those collars since they don't have the light on them" and ME being the funny dummy says "so what your saying is, only way to test this is strap it to my leg and take off walking?"...LOL He laughed his butt off but proceeds to tell me "yeah that or put it on the dog (which I didn't want to do first).
So I strap this collar to my leg, but even worse without realizing it at first the 3 shock metal probes were facing the inside of my leg just above the knee...right were it's most sensitive and main arteries go up and yep I took off walking...pretty slow....HOLY FREAKING CRAP lol lol lol except not funny.. that thing goes off no beeps, no gradual shocking..full blown hitting me in that soft spot and I'm dancing up and down trying to upstrap this stupid thing.....all while my wife is watching and laughing her butt off at my dumbass, she couldn't stop laughing which yeah, was pretty dam hilarious. Aleya the shepherd must've been thinking "this dumb human ain't the brightest is he"
So yeah that was my fun little endeaver yesterday.......that freaking thing was daiuuuuuum, probably didn't help that it was on the inside right where the nerves and stuff is.
You aren't the first person to do that....not me though. In ground and wireless fences are great. Just make sure to take the time to train your dog right. As you can see, it sucks for them to be shocked and have no idea what for.
You aren't the first person to do that....not me though. In ground and wireless fences are great. Just make sure to take the time to train your dog right. As you can see, it sucks for them to be shocked and have no idea what for.
yeah screw that lol. I worked with her for about 3 hours doing the training method, then put the collar on to try it and nope, not gonna happen. She didn't like it and neither do I. She's off the leash all day free to roam on the property and so well behaved and knows her boundaries already...we've even left her loose before when we've gone to the store and even living in city neighborhood, stayed right where she was...in front of our door. I thought maybe it would work but nope, she freaked out when she got zapped and I'm not taking a chance on her getting "weird" on us lol.
In my opinion a wireless fence with a collar that doesn't beep is pretty dumb, but I'm sure the guy on the phone told you that the kit should have come with and they sell for $4 a test light you hold against the electrodes to test it. Or you could have used a multimeter. An adult German Shepherd should be easy to train on an underground fence.
In my opinion a wireless fence with a collar that doesn't beep is pretty dumb, but I'm sure the guy on the phone told you that the kit should have come with and they sell for $4 a test light you hold against the electrodes to test it. Or you could have used a multimeter. An adult German Shepherd should be easy to train on an underground fence.
The multimeter idea came to me AFTER this happened lol yeah not always a fast thinker lol
All dogs react that way. I can't think of a single dog that would love to be shocked. My dogs acted the same way. We gradually decreased the shock and now most are on the lowest setting. I'm glad I have it but it does take time. We have deer that come into our yard and have neighbors that walk.
All dogs react that way. I can't think of a single dog that would love to be shocked. My dogs acted the same way. We gradually decreased the shock and now most are on the lowest setting. I'm glad I have it but it does take time. We have deer that come into our yard and have neighbors that walk.
Lol ok true. I dont have hrs and hrs to continue training her and I'd have to buy new receiver which aren't cheap so at this point nah, she does great the way she does
In my opinion a wireless fence with a collar that doesn't beep is pretty dumb, but I'm sure the guy on the phone told you that the kit should have come with and they sell for $4 a test light you hold against the electrodes to test it. Or you could have used a multimeter. An adult German Shepherd should be easy to train on an underground fence.
Should be if you actually TRAIN them. 3 hrs isn’t shit in the brain of a dog. They are creatures of habit. I’ll stop typing and just go talk to myself while driving off a bridge though.....
I’ll stop typing and just go talk to myself while driving off a bridge though.....
Most practical answer to a Fuller thread.

Errrbody take notes!! Dis guy has figured it out
I dont have hrs and hrs to continue training her and I'd have to buy new receiver which aren't cheap so at this point nah, she does great the way she does
Just quoting this for the future.
When we have the "WTF my dog just bit XYZ and the mean animal control people want to kill her tirade.
Should be if you actually TRAIN them. 3 hrs isn’t shit in the brain of a dog. They are creatures of habit. I’ll stop typing and just go talk to myself while driving off a bridge though.....
This! 3 hrs in one session? That isn't how training a dog works. Ten 30 minute sessions (or whatever time suits your dog's attention span) over the course of a week would be much more effective. Flags for visual reference? @skyhighZJ, hold up, I'll ride with you. :dumbass:
This! 3 hrs in one session? That isn't how training a dog works. Ten 30 minute sessions (or whatever time suits your dog's attention span) over the course of a week would be much more effective. Flags for visual reference? @skyhighZJ, hold up, I'll ride with you. :dumbass:
Cmon got seats available in the Cherokee. And with no death wobble now I can predictably crash lmao
Have you tried putting a collar on them to keep them out?
Just ordered a BB gun with a freaking laser. I think I'll have more fun that way.
One of ours bolts through it.....then we have to find him whinning in the dark because he want come back in.
I always cringe when I hear about electric dog fences. My first question is always, did you put shock collars on your toddlers? If you don't have time to train the dog properly, you don't have time for the dog. Similar to parents never admitting their shitty parenting resulted in a shit kid, even fewer people will admit to being a shitty dog owner.
I always cringe when I hear about electric dog fences. My first question is always, did you put shock collars on your toddlers? If you don't have time to train the dog properly, you don't have time for the dog. Similar to parents never admitting their shitty parenting resulted in a shit kid, even fewer people will admit to being a shitty dog owner.
If I could put shock collars on my toddlers, I would. :flipoff2:
you don't have time to train the dog properly, you don't have time for the dog.
training my dog isn't the issue obviously since she can be loose all day on our property and never leave, even if I leave her loose at times when I run to get parts. I've owned 2 Shepherds and 1 Akita in my lifetime so I know a thing or two about training my dog. It wasn't the time/effort to put into training her that I didn't like as much as just seemed cruel to do to an already kick ass well mannered obedient dog.
When we have the "WTF my dog just bit XYZ and the mean animal control people want to kill her tirade.
She's been trained for 6yrs now to be free to roam on our property and since I work at home, she's used to "people" or customers/mail people coming over ....until we go in then it's game on. When I leave and wifey home alone, she won't let anybody out of the car and that's how she should be. She's as friendly as you could want in a 94lb German shepherd until we are in the house then she turns into awesome guard dog. She would've caught one of them thugs who shot up the neighbors house months ago had it been not me calling her back.
training my dog isn't the issue obviously since she can be loose all day on our property and never leave, even if I leave her loose at times when I run to get parts. I've owned 2 Shepherds and 1 Akita in my lifetime so I know a thing or two about training my dog. It wasn't the time/effort to put into training her that I didn't like as much as just seemed cruel to do to an already kick ass well mannered obedient dog.
Lol ok true. I dont have hrs and hrs to continue training her and I'd have to buy new receiver which aren't cheap so at this point nah, she does great the way she does

One of these things is not like the other. I guess I’m confused on what you’d need to spend hours and hours training??? Respecting an electric fence that isn’t needed? Seems like a solution to something that isn’t a problem.
Respecting an electric fence
LMBO that is def something I learned for sure, first hand experience hahaha, I still laugh my butt off doing what I did