There are no black panthers in North America. Period..
What is a "porch monkey"?This is about big foot not porch monkeys.
If Bigfoot was of color, would you be more afraid of him?No I hate people of all shapes and colors. But if that's what u call racist then yes I am.
As a BLM organizer, I find this comment offensive.No cause I am always carrying or as u may call it packing heat. But now that I think of it there were a few in Charlotte a few weeks back raising hell.
As a BLM organizer, I find this comment offensive.
Yes, i was in Charlotte protesting yet another innocent brother getting shot down by the popo.
You got a problem with that, honky?
Piss off hater.Really? If serious, and I'm guessing just your usual troll shit, then not only a ban but some serious attention paid to your every move.
Either way, take that shit to Pirate where it belongs.
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He was a thug punk and got what was coming to him aka dr dre. How much free shit did u get? My brother is a police officer not a po po who you going to call when you need help ummmm 911. White people are shot every day for being a piece of shit just like Keith Scott . By the way all lives matter .
You don't know me either shut head but we can make that happen.Saved.
You don't know me white boy.
Saved again for future reference.And if trump wins u can get on your knees and suck my d**k. Or do u still do that for crack?
You just ask your mom about that . She said mine was way bigger then your dads. And Paul don't lie you been a undercover brother for years.Saved again for future reference.
And i won't suck your d**k if Rump wins.
Because i'm not a fag and you don't have a dick. You have a penis.
It's looks a dick, but waay smaller.
Black cocks are bigger white boy.
SAY IT! And accept it.
My Mom and Dad have been dead for years.You just ask your mom about that . She said mine was way bigger then your dads. And Paul don't lie you been a undercover brother for years.
Yep. Finest man i ever met.Damn u knew your dad ? That's a first .