does anyone do any exhaust work...?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
trying to see if anyone around raleigh can/or does exhaust work. i need to get some mufflers back on my jeep... couple problems though, i go to app state and my jeep is in raleigh right now and i cant get back to raleigh except on the weekends, which is causing my first problem... the shops that will let me get by without having catalytic converters arent open on the weekend. second is, i cant really just throw anything together cause its a pretty tight fit for everything

so, i was wondering if anyone on here that can help me out or lead me in a direction of someone that can

any help or info will be greatly appreciated
thanks, chris
ive been trying to call both of them for a few days now... when the one of millbrook finally picked up they said they werent open on weekends
the one off capital has yet to pick up the phone...
henrys can be a baitch about doing cat-less exhaust. if you can get the tubing somewhere i can weld it
metty, figure out how to bend the tubing and you can have all the fun with it that you want
we could make it out of a bunch of pre-bended stuff, but it would take a long time
well, just got off the phone with the capitol henry's and yup, they are closed sat. too

have you looked under my jeep lately... space is tight, but if you think that we might could make it work im up for it
when are you coming back form app agian>? i guess whe cn go ti ithen
metto, when and if you do this. save me an elbow of 2.25 tubing....i gotta put some kinda downturn on the taco or owe me one for hauling parts anyway biotch! :flipoff2:
holler dog, sorry i didnt come the other night, we didnt leave the concert till like 1 am
Can somebody post the number for Henry's?
