domain name regestrar


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Out in the Middle
I'm starting to really hate the company I have my domains registered with. They are all coming up for renewal in the next couple of months...And I want them away from the idiots that have them now.

Who do you use for Domain Registration (not web site hosting), what do you like about them, what don't you like.
I use go daddy. for my domain registration because it is cheap and they have a very easy to use system to maintain your domain so you can do everything yourself without having to depend on someone else to do it.

They are NOT the cheapest - competitive, but not bargain basment, but they are good.
Been using them for about 5 years, have registered, transfered, bought and sold etc around 50 domains in that time. VERY FEW problems. And the few that I have had, they fixed right away.

Thing I like best is they are a small private company I am on a first name basis with most of them.
If I want to make any changes I can e-mail them or just pick-up the phone and Say "Hey Steve, I need to make a DNS change on bla bla domain" And it is done.
Try that with one of the big bargain brand registrars.

They also do hosting, but, I don't use them for that.
Used to, but it didn't work out for me.
Okay, I am just curious b/c I don't know, newby to thsi world. What difference does it make? I mean I don't understand what kind of problems you can have at that level, are the y losing your registration or something? Isn't the host really doing all the work? Somebody please educate me.
The company I've been with has been my Registrar and my host. The registrar side has changed hands and software several times in the 6-7 years I've been using them. So, almost every year I have to learn a new system just to update my account. Old account info is never transefered over to the new system, so I have to update my WhoIs info, build a new account...Last year they accepted paypal...this year they don't. Some how one of my domains is now actually listed at a different registrar from where I put it...and they charge $25 a year for original (where I have 3 other names) "only" charges $19.00 a year...When places like GoDaddy are only charging $9. or so, and I get crappy service and have to chase down my domain names every year...It's time for a change...

As a little bit of an aside, my first domain was (my initials) when I got a nastygram from a certain company that due to mergers gained the initials GSK, I ignored it...I'd had the domain for 4 years, could prove that I'd been born 30+ years before with those initials, I felt I had a good chance of being able to keep it...They sent a nastygram to my domain regi:) strar threatening the registrar sends me a note that I had 30 days to move my website to a new domain. They felt that going up against a "major corporation" with a legitimate claim to the name was not what they wanted to do...While I was arguing with the registrar...they closed my account, and gave away my domain...and my 30 days were not up...and they never refunded me my 2.5 years left on my listing...So I dumped that 5 years later, Enom is the same as Affordabledots, the registrar and host of my sites...Any more questions as to why I'm leaving them?
that sounds like

that is not owned by nissam motor company but the owner i do not think will ever let it go..

them taking is total bullshit
Man, bummer you couldn't at least sell for a million bucks or something!
I use for and a couple other sites I have...I was steered there bu the guy who actually hosts & runs my servers - there, you outright buy your name, so they can't just snake it out from under you like that...
Actually - you don't BUY your domain name anywhere.
You kinda lease it.
A domain name is like a license plate.
You pay the annual fee to have that plate for a year, but DMV CAN and WILL take that plate from you at any time if they feel like there is a reason.

And the similarity continues.
Different registrars are like different DMV offices. All are regulated by the same "home office" but all have slightly different customer service levels and some offer additional features.

Make sense?