EDC folding knives

My grandfather was a lieutenant nc highway patrol he had something similar to this that was sharpened so much when closed the tip stuck out. Wish I could find it.


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Depends on what your looking for as far as use. Kizer (I know! Chinese made) makes some nice full titanium frame locks with bearings and decent steel for around $150 A few years ago I bought a Kizer Escort with S35vn for around $135 a believe. Then of course you have your Spyderco PM2 which is always a good choice and comes in all different blade steels and colors. Cheaper knives with softer steels like 8cr13MOV, something like the Spyderco Tenacious is a decent knife to carry around but will go dull very quickly,
ive gotten the s&w one for well over 15 years. first it was "spec ops" and now its "extreme ops". Its a simple knife not over done. Always in the $10-15 range when i shop for it. I treat this like i do my sunglasses. I buy dollar general sunglasses at $5 a piece, like 6 or 7 at a time. I always lose em, break em or forget it somewhere. i usually get like five or so of these once a year. usually just enough to make it the full 365.

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Still have it and carry it occasionally.

But for the last year I've been on a ScallyWag kick. They are based in NC and make some sweet, sweet blades.

All American baby.

I carry the Blackwater Folder. Absolutely love it. (And currently on sale for $130!
I find this very interesting comign from you. You've shown to be a gear head and I respect your opinion on blades and such, buuuut.

A friend of mien was touting Skallywag a few months back and I picked up a cuple of their knives at a gun show.

Specifically the Mako and the Wahoo. Ordered them at the show and they shipped promptly.

I was ....less than impressed. They were gas station chinesium quality. The blades feel tight enough, but their imitation of Benchmades axis assisted opening is much weaker than benchmade (its essentially not an assisted opener) and their lock mechanism has minimal engagement on the blade tail. Frankly it looks like a recipe for chopping a finger off. The knives both feel balanced and sturdy in hand - ok maybe gas station chinesium is a bit harsh. The wahoo actually has potential to be decent but not remarkable I guess. That lock is a deal killer for me though.

Now granted both were ~$50 price points. Maybe their $100+ knives are a notable step up.

Interestingly enough neither are marked as made in the US anywhere on their packaging.

Maybe I will break them back out and carry them a bit and see if my opinion changes. Though I am still leery of the lock engagement.
I just ordered one of these Civivi Mini Praxis for our Christmas party white elephant exchange we will see the quality. Went a little over the price point.

Amazon product ASIN B0BF8FPH5L
I carry a Spyderco Damascus Endura (damn you Forged in Fire!). Only reason it is an EDC is I had a gift certificate for almost half the original cost 3 years now.

Now looking at it online o_Oit may not be my EDC anymore maybe a going out knife. I always hesitate when someone asks to borrow it and ask them what they need it for. I didn't pay $350 for it!


Maybe a Network Lumber knife will be EDC :clap:
I find this very interesting comign from you. You've shown to be a gear head and I respect your opinion on blades and such, buuuut.

A friend of mien was touting Skallywag a few months back and I picked up a cuple of their knives at a gun show.

Specifically the Mako and the Wahoo. Ordered them at the show and they shipped promptly.

I was ....less than impressed. They were gas station chinesium quality. The blades feel tight enough, but their imitation of Benchmades axis assisted opening is much weaker than benchmade (its essentially not an assisted opener) and their lock mechanism has minimal engagement on the blade tail. Frankly it looks like a recipe for chopping a finger off. The knives both feel balanced and sturdy in hand - ok maybe gas station chinesium is a bit harsh. The wahoo actually has potential to be decent but not remarkable I guess. That lock is a deal killer for me though.

Now granted both were ~$50 price points. Maybe their $100+ knives are a notable step up.

Interestingly enough neither are marked as made in the US anywhere on their packaging.

Maybe I will break them back out and carry them a bit and see if my opinion changes. Though I am still leery of the lock engagement.

I've got two folders from them, the Blackwater and the Privateer. Both of them are pretty high dollar compared to the Mako and Wahoo. And the Blackwater is > Privateer in my opinion, but that's mainly due to personal aesthetic preferences. They both -feel- legit and stout and I've no qualms with the locking mechanism...

But honestly, it shouldn't matter. If quality can't be sustained across your entire brand, what good are ya?

For fixed blades, I've a D2 Dagger that I carry pretty often. My wife has an Aluminum version in Tiffany's blue that she carries in her purse. It's light and pokey.

And I also own, kinda ashamed to say this because of the outrageous price.... Guardian dagger(below center). Which is wicked as f*ck. But I don't carry it cause its yuge and should really be strapped to a vest.

The fixed blades seem pretty legit. I gifted my coworkers an aluminum dagger each last Christmas and my boss a D2 Dagger.


So, I dunno.

I also just looked and couldn't find any 'Made in America', just 'Veteran Owned' listed on their site. :(

I reckon buyer beware!
Some of yā€™all are too eager to pay too much for an EDC in my book.

I put a value of $40-$50 max on an EDC. I see no need to to risk something more than that. I own $200+ pocket knives, but fuck that on EDC. All it needs to be is sharp for a day. I can make it to the end of the day if something was to happen. But how many of you have had a $10 pocket knife completely fail to the point of uselessness for a day?

I personally have nothing to prove by carting a $100+ pocket knife as an EDC.
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Some of yā€™all are too anxious to pay too much for an EDC in my book.

I put a value of $40-$50 max on an EDC. I see no need to to risk something more than that. I own $200+ pocket knives, but fuck that on EDC. All it needs to be is sharp for a day. I can make it to the end of the day if something was to happen. But how many of you have had a $10 pocket knife completely fail to the point of uselessness for a day?

I personally have nothing to prove by carting a $100+ pocket knife as an EDC.
I mean i carry a folding box cutter during the week as well for abusing, it's just nice to have a knife that will hold a decent edge.
Some of yā€™all are too anxious to pay too much for an EDC in my book.

I put a value of $40-$50 max on an EDC. I see no need to to risk something more than that. I own $200+ pocket knives, but fuck that on EDC. All it needs to be is sharp for a day. I can make it to the end of the day if something was to happen. But how many of you have had a $10 pocket knife completely fail to the point of uselessness for a day?

I personally have nothing to prove by carting a $100+ pocket knife as an EDC.

I dropped 150 on a bottle of whiskey today, never had a blade last less time than a bottle
Having gone through the USMC Mountain Survival School, there's no way I'd stake my life or fingers on a $25 blade.

Be it stuck in the wilderness, cutting cord, or stabbing a bitch in a drunken church parking lot fight.

Quality often costs.
Another vote for Kershaw blades. I EDC the 1605ST (center). On BladeHQ.com it's $20. I've had mine for years. I like the fat pocket clip. It has never slid out of my pocket. The steel is decent quality (disclaimer: it is Chinese steel). I also have the 1550ST (left) and the Chive for dress pants which are their US made lines.

I have Benchmades, Gerbers, and an old Spyderco. But for the price, the 1605ST is a hard one to beat.
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I only carried multiple blade knifes for years (one sharp blade and one "working" blade). My go to for the last 5-10 was the same old timer. A couple years ago I started carrying a multi tool for work. I wound up leaving the pocket knife at home on the dresser and now all I carry is the leatherman. Its just too damn handy.

It stays in my pocket watch pocket beside the mircostream.
Another vote for Kershaw blades. I EDC the 1605ST (center). On BladeHQ.com it's $20. I've had mine for years. I like the fat pocket clip. It has never slid out of my pocket. The steel is decent quality (disclaimer: it is Chinese steel). I also have the 1550ST (left) and the Chive for dress pants which are their US made lines.

I have Benchmades, Gerbers, and an old Spyderco. But for the price, the 1605ST is a hard one to beat.View attachment 407840
You my dawg dawg!

(I also had that color Microstream USB but it is tilled into my yard somewhere, fell off when I was running the tractor)
Another vote for Kershaw blades. I EDC the 1605ST (center). On BladeHQ.com it's $20. I've had mine for years. I like the fat pocket clip. It has never slid out of my pocket. The steel is decent quality (disclaimer: it is Chinese steel). I also have the 1550ST (left) and the Chive for dress pants which are their US made lines.

I have Benchmades, Gerbers, and an old Spyderco. But for the price, the 1605ST is a hard one to beat.View attachment 407840
I have both of those.