Forty-plus years with the same woman!

Congratulations, Don and Darlene! Here's to many more! :rockon:
Congrats, here's to many more!
You are deaf right?
Congrats, you're one of the few that endure!

My folks celebrate 51yrs in just under 2 weeks !
Awesome. Wishing ya'll many more.
Congrats to both of you, although I feel she probably deserves the extra pat on the back for putting up with you for so long! :eek:
That happened years ago! :lol:

Fifgured that was a requirement ::beer::

Im going on 20 years in Spetember and only hear out of 1 ear
Congrats Don and Darlene...
Hat's off to Both of You !! Quite an Acomplishment this day and time !!