Gas prices


Grumpy, decrepit Old Man
Mar 20, 2005
Morganton NC
I hadn't been around lately. kinda been stuck at home. Did venture out yesterday to Hickory and cheapest gas I found was here in Morganton at exit 103. $2.97 a gallon. I know a lot of folks stop at the Love station in Marion when going west it is at $3.04 a gallon
$2.95 is the cheapest ive seen here in winston, Sheetz is always about the same price as costco or sams.
$3.69/gallon for diesel in Pittsburgh/ Sharon/ Youngstown arear over the weekend, but here in Winston/Kernersville the Gas House is still holding at $3.39/gallon diesel.
Can anyone explain why diesel is higher?

I believe that they actually made diesel more expensive, although it is just a by product of gasoline therefore cheaper to produce, to aleviate the price of unleaded at the pumps for the 98% of people that have a gas engine.
Atleast thats what i heard.
I believe that they actually made diesel more expensive, although it is just a by product of gasoline therefore cheaper to produce, to aleviate the price of unleaded at the pumps for the 98% of people that have a gas engine.
Atleast thats what i heard.

Diesel fuel is not a byproduct of gasoline but rather one of the products that is generated from processing crude oil via distillation. You can not take 100 gallons of crude oil and convert it into 100 gallons of gasoline, instead you get a percentage of the total as gas, some as diesel, some as fuel oil, some as tars, etc.

Thank your government and the newest environmental regulations for the increasing gap between diesel and gasoline. They are doing everything they can to keep higher mileage diesels out of the consumers hands. It seems ever time an automaker figures out a way to meet the ever-tightening emmissions regulations that the government tightens them further and send the automakers back to the R&D lab.
My question is at what point will everyone stop buying gas and bring the country to a screeching halt? Maybe then the government will step in and do something.
why would the government step in? you know how much state and federal tax is made off of gas?

the ones who need to step in is the oil refineries. if they would up their output, the prices would come down. by not keeping up with the needs of the people, they have painted themselves into a corner. sooner or later someone is going to come up with a viable alternative to gasoline and the fuel refineries are gonna crap themselves when no one needs them anymore.

Also...we can thank the same greenies that are closing our trails for the high price of oil. If they would let us drill in the frozen wasteland that is Anwar, we would be a self-suffecient country as far as oil goes.

If we cant drill Opec could help by increasing the amount of oil they release around the world relieving demand.

the real consumer of oil in the world is China. Every day their use grows and grows. That is where all the new demand for oil is. Opec has increased oil supply a little trying to keep up with the demand for oil in china but not near enough to keep oil in check

The final thing driving up the cost of oil is out for a quick buck, skiddish know nothing investers who make a mad rush for oil everytime someone sneezes cause they think it will effect the oil supply in america. if you could get the idiots to quit investing in fuel they prices would stabilize and be able to slowly come back down to normal.

ironic how the people who are the biggest destabilizers of the oil industry are greenies and investors, two groups of people who dont know enough about the economy to know they are hurting it.
The reason for the 'seasonal' rise is due to heating oil production. (and that guy bob who sets the prices)

I watch a really good show on the refining process and the advancements they have made.. Basically its the carbon chains and various products have different length chains. Buy doing several processes and a pile of chemicals they can extract more gasoline from a same amount they started with. Obviously this results in less other stuff. But since were so addicted to gasoline...
bob sucks. so do "seasonal rises" it rises in the summer for higher travel demand, it rises in the winter for higher heating oil demand.....when the hell does it lower? if it raises all the is that seasonal!!!
Not picking on you yager....just the industry that makes the words "seasonal rise in price" a household term making everyone okay with the fact that we dont even get a reach around from the jerks!
Dont kid yourself, there is no shortage in either crude or refining capability.

After Katrina hit, prices sky rocketed and that year the 2 largest oil companies (Exxon and Texaco?) reported the #1 and #2 highest profit totals (adjusted for inflation) in WORLD BUSINESS HISTORY.

Face it, if you made widgets and had sold them for years for .50 and one day found you could get 3.00 each for them, when would you lower your price? The answer is NEVER. The price will not drop until demand falls off so sharply that the oil companies needs to increase demand.

It is a manipulation to play with our emotions, soon we will all be thankful that gas is "only" $3/gal and they will be happy for a while. In December of last year I was one of 3 people from my distributor that got to go to the Cummins Global Summit, at which the President of Exxon Mobile was the key note speaker. One of the big bitches was how diesel was higher than gas for the first time ever.

He gave a 30 minute explanation about equipment and process switching to produce ULSD, and ow once the new equipment had been "paid" for the price would plummet. He assured us that by June 1 #2 fuel oil would again be cheaper than gasoline.

Guess what, May 30, was the first time I saw diesel cheaper, and it stayed that way most of the summer. then in late September prices began creeping again and have now reversed again.
yeah, in no way do i disagree that its all a big mind fuzz with the consumers, hence my no reach around comment.

But there is a lack of refining capability in the US, when was the last time a refinery was built? 1976!!! do you know how much demand has increased since 1976!!! As of 2005 American oil refineries are only operating at 84 percent.

Theres another 16 percent of my widgets i could be selling but am not.

Between 1981 and 1989 oil refineries dropped in number from 324 to 204, i guess i dont want to make as many widgets.

Like i said, they are painting themselves into a corner and sooner or later someone is going to come along with a viable alternative gasoline and no one will be buying widgets.

by the way...who do you work for that you got to attend the the cummins global summit?
Diesel fuel is not a byproduct of gasoline but rather one of the products that is generated from processing crude oil via distillation. You can not take 100 gallons of crude oil and convert it into 100 gallons of gasoline, instead you get a percentage of the total as gas, some as diesel, some as fuel oil, some as tars, etc.
Thank your government and the newest environmental regulations for the increasing gap between diesel and gasoline. They are doing everything they can to keep higher mileage diesels out of the consumers hands. It seems ever time an automaker figures out a way to meet the ever-tightening emmissions regulations that the government tightens them further and send the automakers back to the R&D lab.
I got you i had always heard that diesel was the by product of the production