
Prices are still about the same around here. But my brother inlaw stopped by the Mikey's One Stop on hwy152 at Bostian Hieghts and they had a sign posted at a $30 limit. He went in to pay for $30 of fuel and the lady said he was luck they were going to lower it to $20 in a few minutes. I told him to call the Sheriff's Office and have them ride out to check them out. I filled my Ram up with $60 in Rockwell just this evening and they had heard nothing about a ration.
I went out Thursday AM to top off my truck and fill a couple of cans, just in case. I used my VISA and filled the truck and one 5-gal, then started on a smaller can and the pump quit at exactly $50. Is that normal? It was no big deal to start it back up by running the card again, but I wondered why it would stop at all.
Trebissky said:
I went out Thursday AM to top off my truck and fill a couple of cans, just in case. I used my VISA and filled the truck and one 5-gal, then started on a smaller can and the pump quit at exactly $50. Is that normal? It was no big deal to start it back up by running the card again, but I wondered why it would stop at all.

Yes, to prevent huge amounts of theft with stolen cards.
For high quality gasoline at a reasonable price I suggest an online vendor like autopartsfair.:flipoff2:
I made it through the first page before I looked at the date. Then I skimmed through the whole thing. Damn I miss the gas prices of 8 years ago.
Damn gas was cheap before I could drive :flipoff2: I think no matter how much gas prices go down somebody somewhere will still bitch about it.

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Yeah, I was reading through and then saw $2.99 a gallon and thought, I gotta go buy a whole bunch of gas!

When I started driving in 1982 gas was $.65 per gallon and my 302 powered '75 Ford Maverick loved the stuff. I complained about the price of gas then and I complain now. Not much has really changed, its all relative. I wish I could still grow a long hair haha!