Halloween time 2017

^^^I dunno...I think this guy has a shot...

I remember my ""too cool moment " my mom had went all out and made me wicked collared cape and made me up to look like Dracula. Went to one house and seen a bunch of little kids and thought "what am i doing, I'm too old for this" so i rode in the back of the car the whole evening watching my little sister and hating myself for being soo cool.
I only drink good old fashioned gas station coffee, so she must have picked up this from her mom:

Daughter number two wanted to be a “zombie bride”.

I’m going to miss this when they’re too cool for it.

When my son gets too old for trick or treating, I'm going to hide in the woods with my chainsaw and scare the crap out of all the kids like some mean old bastard did to me!

I'm going to miss it though too.
mu son is 9 and he was almost to cool this year until I convinced him that all his friends would be dressed up and sure as heck they were..I could tell later on he was thankful I made him dress up