Here we go again, $4.00/gallon diesel?

I didnt specify North Carolina, just speaking generally on taxes on gasoline. Liquid gold as I call it. Cant believe it costs me almost 40.00 to fill up a 06 Honda Civic. Its a damn shame. I worked at my uncles gas station in high school.....not too long ago, around 1995 in northern Maine. Price of gas....95 cents a gallon. Wish it could go back to those days.
Yep, when it was $5.00 a gallon I bought a 2 year old F350 diesel 4x4 quad cab with 24k on it for $17,000. If it goes crazy again I may buy another and hold it for 6 months and turn it for a nice profit.

Yeah, I remember seeing an SRT-10 Ram for about $10k less than book value back then too. If I ran across a F-150 Raptor deal like that I'd have a hard time not buying it, enjoying it until gas prices drop, and then flipping it to put a few grand in the bank. I don't think the SRT-10 appealed to as many people as the Raptor though. As much as I want to hate that truck (the Raptor) I think it would make a killer DD.
I'm pissed about fuel prices. Its kinda like shooting fish in a barrel. We have no choice but to consume fuel. Pay rates never go up, but the cost of living goes up constantly. Oil companys exploit everyone.

The bad part of increased fuel prices is that it will drive costs of everything up. Even if you live within walking distance of your job, you will still see food, lumber, and basically everything increase.

A few years back when the fuel prices went through the roof and you couldn't even find fuel for sale a buddy was expecting a baby. He managed to find some fuel and stored probably 20 gallons in his garage in case he had to run to the doc for delivery of the baby. While he was at work a neighbor called him because someone was in his garage. He went home and a "friend" of his was stealing his gasoline! If it was me I would have shot him...

We aren't even into the high price season yet. Hang on everybody it might get rough.
The bad part of increased fuel prices is that it will drive costs of everything up. Even if you live within walking distance of your job, you will still see food, lumber, and basically everything increase.

Not only will it drive costs up, but they'll use it as an excuse to raise costs and then keep them high to pad their pockets after fuel prices go down.

Remember the airlines tacking on a bunch of fees and saying over and over again that they had to do it because of fuel prices? How many of those airlines dropped those fees when fuel prices went back below $2.00? I know AA was still charging $35 to check one bag when I flew with them last year.
I'm pissed about fuel prices. Its kinda like shooting fish in a barrel. We have no choice but to consume fuel. Pay rates never go up, but the cost of living goes up constantly. Oil companys exploit everyone.

They're not "exploiting" anybody. If you think they're making so much money, go buy yourself some ExxonMobil or Shell or BP shares. Get you what's yours... or whatever.

I remember reading back around the first of the year that the Obama Administration's policies were going to push barrel prices over $125 by summer. That estimate didn't take into account turmoil in Libya or Saudi Arabia or Egypt or Oman, either.

Couple that with a weak dollar (cough, Administration policies), and you've got one hell of a recipe for high commodity prices. And oil... surprise surprise... is a commodity. Its price is set by supply and demand, with some color added in by regulatory forces and exchange rates and such. Nothing more, nothing less.
The f'ed up part about fuel price hikes is if it goes to $5 per gallon it will stay there for a few weeks and then drop to $4.80and everyone will be glad prices dropped and then that price will become the norm.

:fuck-you:big oil...
That's... not how it works.

Remember two years ago? When diesel was $5/gallon? What happened? Oh, that's right... the economy tanked, there was a glut on the market, and it dropped to $2/gallon.

Demand got low, supply got high, price went down.

And again... if you're bothered that "they" are making money, it's really easy for "you" to become one of "they". These are all publicly-owned companies.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That's how I feel.. cuz I can't do shit or don't know what to do about the prices. Can I afford $5 a gallon? Yeah, sure.. I'll cut back somewhere else.. (Not my monster habit though!) I just don't like not having a better option.
That's... not how it works.

Remember two years ago? When diesel was $5/gallon? What happened? Oh, that's right... the economy tanked, there was a glut on the market, and it dropped to $2/gallon.

Dropped to $2 a gallon for maybe 3-4 weeks then started climbing to $2.85 - $3 and stayed there until 2011 when it started creeping to where it is now. It was at $5 for a lot longer than it was at $2.
Dropped to $2 a gallon for maybe 3-4 weeks then started climbing to $2.85 - $3 and stayed there until 2011 when it started creeping to where it is now. It was at $5 for a lot longer than it was at $2.

Historical average is around $3.50ish/gallon, inflation adjusted.

So it's been historically cheap for over two years.
They're not "exploiting" anybody. If you think they're making so much money, go buy yourself some ExxonMobil or Shell or BP shares. Get you what's yours... or whatever.

I remember reading back around the first of the year that the Obama Administration's policies were going to push barrel prices over $125 by summer. That estimate didn't take into account turmoil in Libya or Saudi Arabia or Egypt or Oman, either.

Couple that with a weak dollar (cough, Administration policies), and you've got one hell of a recipe for high commodity prices. And oil... surprise surprise... is a commodity. Its price is set by supply and demand, with some color added in by regulatory forces and exchange rates and such. Nothing more, nothing less.

you are right. I'm making money because I own several different gas/oil company stocks.

What about the speculators artificially inflating the price? There was an article on CNN or something a couple days ago talking about that. I agree with supply and demand, but I think 'percieved future demand' or 'perceived future supply' are causing the problems.
Historical average is around $3.50ish/gallon, inflation adjusted.

So it's been historically cheap for over two years.

:poop: $3.50 average or not, I still feel violated at that price and completely gang raped at the current (and rising) prices. Who cares if I'm really being just feels like it and that's enough for most people.
:poop: $3.50 average or not, I still feel violated at that price and completely gang raped at the current (and rising) prices. Who cares if I'm really being just feels like it and that's enough for most people.

You along with everyone else (me included), and the economy will stumble because of it.
but I think 'percieved future demand' or 'perceived future supply' are causing the problems.

Yeah, but perceived supply and perceived demand can be affected significantly by regulations. When the President cancels 138 previously-approved leases or rescinds the order to open the Atlantic seaboard to exploratory drilling, speculators can rightly assume that fuel prices will be higher in the future as a result of decreased supply.

The speculators didn't invent the game... they're just playing along.
What about the speculators artificially inflating the price?

This is the real problem. If the feds stopped this which I have no ideal if that would be possible fuel prices would stabilize and it would do much more for our economy than anyone knows.

Let's play along with 2012 dooms day thing....

2011 first quarter fuel goes up and people get lay offs again
2011 second quarter fuel is now 5-6 a gallon which is double
2011 third quarter because of fuel prices everything begins to go up and dollar cheesburgers and now $2.50
2011 fourth quarter feds raise minimum wage
2012 first quarter riots break out because of hunger
2012 second quarter society begins to break down
2012 third quarter basic utilities no longer service
2012 fourth quarter mass death because of lack of self reliance
Would drilling here in the US really save us that much? Could we drill and refine it as cheaply as they do "over there?"

Personally, I'd like to see alternative fuels/energy.
I'd like to see us quit shipping all the Alsakan oil to China, oh wait thats not an option since we owe them so much money.....
That's... not how it works.

Remember two years ago? When diesel was $5/gallon? What happened? Oh, that's right... the economy tanked, there was a glut on the market, and it dropped to $2/gallon.

Demand got low, supply got high, price went down.

And again... if you're bothered that "they" are making money, it's really easy for "you" to become one of "they". These are all publicly-owned companies.

I've got stock in oil companies, but I still don't feel like one of "they". Too bad you don't get a discount at the pump for owning stock. I would buy more stock, add a deck on the house, or buy some Longfields if it wasn't 120 bucks everytime I filled up.

They are publicly owned companies yes, but they feed on the public too. The problem is the general public is defenseless against the raw power oil companies have over our lives. :shaking:
Um, you do realize that the gas tax is a flat cost per gallon, right? Dosn't matter what the per cost is, they don't get any more unless people consume more.
and remember, "the government" has to pay for gas too. higher gas prices mean having to make cuts elsewhere.
Anybody know if there is some minimum quantity of gas you can sell w/o being a "dealer"/reseller etc?
I've often wondered if during times like this, one could buy a few hundred gallons "early" in the spike, then resell it to neighbors etc for a reasonable rate and make a little $$.


You can thank the Fat assholes sitting around the OPEC table.
48 hours after I started this thread, and the Citgo is now up $0.10 to $3.80/gallon.