That said, Trump is a trainwreck. Who the hell knows what he will actually do in office. Hillary is nuts and we know she will go after the second amendment as well as other rights. Gary Johnson SOUNDS good, but against the other two and in the strength of opposition, IMO the third party doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell unless the Republicans that do not support Trump get behind him and make a major push.
This is the thing that I feel like a lot of people are refusing to see.
Yes, Trump is running as Republican, and now saying what he needs to in order to get the support of the voting base.
But if you look back over time, he has a proven record of basically doing or saying whatever was needed
at that time to accomplish his task. He has walked back on his statements and policies so many times just in the last 9 months its impossible to know what he actually stands for.
This is a guy who has changed his party affiliation, what, 5 or 5 different times? And been a Democrat longer than a republican?
The way I see it, either way you're going to get a sleezy crook. Yes we all know Clinton is sleezy, but if you think Trump isn't then you're lying to yourself.
at least Clinton is predictable and can be headed off at the pass by Congress, or other members of he party. Nobody knows wtf Trump will do, except whatever he wants and not listen to anybody.
I'd rather have the predictable crook than the unpredictable one.
Well I'd REALLY rather have the guy w/ a proven record of leadership and, perhaps more importantly, working
as the lead of a governmental body where they have minimal actual control - the one thing neither of these jokers has - in a situation where he is from the outside party and has few allies. B/c that's exactly the situation the next Pres will be in.
And is exactly where Gary Johnson falls...