Hmmm, Obamacare lowered my healthcare cost?

Hey Rodney...I saw one little flaw with your post, most of the legislation to allow willy-nilly lending stems back to about 1995...And I don't think Bush was da prez then. Keep in mind, most fall out or positive feedback from a prez comes 4-8 years AFTER they're out of office to feel the full impact of their presidency.

I'm not sure that's the case. Public response to a president is usually fairly immediate. My sense of things is that they have little ability to improve things, but a fairly substantial ability to make things worse.

Bush isn't free and clear on the housing mess, but it's worth noting that unemployment was 4.5% in 2006 when the Dems took over Congress. It's been all downhill from there.
I'm not sure that's the case. Public response to a president is usually fairly immediate. My sense of things is that they have little ability to improve things, but a fairly substantial ability to make things worse.
Bush isn't free and clear on the housing mess, but it's worth noting that unemployment was 4.5% in 2006 when the Dems took over Congress. It's been all downhill from there.

I definitely understand that, and am by no means clearing Bush. I also agree that public response is in fact immediate, but it's impossible to feel the ramifications in their entirity of the decisions a president makes while in office. IE, being all loosey goosey with lending practices. I'm sure back in 95 and until the last 4 years, people were stoked on being able to purchase a home or car even though they had bad credit, not so much these days. And then you can look at NAFTA/CAFTA and free trade in general stemmed back as far as H.dubya, and perpetuated with Clinton...I'm sure most folks wouldn't mind having some of those jobs back that went over seas because it was cheaper to produce overseas and send it back home than it was to produce here. The list goes on and on. But, I also won't say it's impossible to be able to guesstimate what those decisions can bring. We live in a completely short sighted society, most see what is happening 'now' or what they can get 'now' and point fingers at whoever is nearest 'now'. For all we know, we may look back 20 years from now and say BO was the best prez ever...I doubt that to be the case, and personally can't stand the guy, and I think his public approval is showing that...but that's neither here nor there.