How to get back at an asshole

Have your contact info printed on a sticker to match his sign and whenever you see one of his signs, put your sticker over his contact info.
Nah, that's too obvious.
Instead, get yourself a new number. Cover his number with it but leave his name etc.
Take the appointments, then don't show up. Let them get all pissed at him.
Then call the customer "randomly" from your business the following week to ask if they need service ;-).
First, you don't have the right sign out. Get one of the fab shops here among the NC4x4 crowd to build you one. A nice one, but not too fancy. Say a thousand dollar yard sign. Be sure and save the receipt.

Then it's felony theft in NC (over $1k).

Don't forget the little box in the frame, to hold one of these:

1. Wait
2. Tell the cops where to recover your sign
3. After sentencing, offer to buy his equipment for ten cents on the dollar

This is the winner