HVAC wiring help needed


silent.. but deadly
Mar 17, 2005
Ok the gist is I am putting a house HVAC heater in my garage. It doe snot have AC side connected just the heater box.

Here is the PDF for the unit.

page 6 and 7 are what I am looking at.. I have power going to the unit and Heat strips come on and give off heat, but when I wire in a thermostat I can not get fan to blow.

So if you look at this what color wires do I need to wire to thermostat control so I can turn heater on and off, or so I can just have fan blow

thanks in advance for any help
If this helps. Here is the board on heater unit


That I am trying to connect to a standard thermostat
R is 24v hot
W1 is 1st stage heat
W2 is 2nd stage heat
G is for fan

These 4 terminals need to be wired to tstat.

Do u have a digital stat? If so need to program or flip dip switches (depending on what kind of stat)to tell tstat its a elec furn. So the tstat will control the fan. If its thinks it is a gas furnace tstat will think the unit is suppose to control the fan.

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Also make sure u have enough available power to run the electric furnance. Make sure breaker and high voltage wire are correct size. Heats strips pull alot of amps.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
R is 24v hot
W1 is 1st stage heat
W2 is 2nd stage heat
G is for fan

These 4 terminals need to be wired to tstat.

Do u have a digital stat? If so need to program or flip dip switches (depending on what kind of stat)to tell tstat its a elec furn. So the tstat will control the fan. If its thinks it is a gas furnace tstat will think the unit is suppose to control the fan.

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I have this one:
Honeywell Rectangle Mechanical Non-Programmable Thermostat digital

does it matter what color I use when wiring? I bought the 8 wire thermostat wire..so does it matter that w1 or w2 cant be white?

for example G = Green, W = white, R = red? from the t stat instructions it looks like I run the same color wiring from unit to t stat?

or as long as I know which color goes to what I should be good?

this is the one I bought

and the inside of tstat looks kind of like this minus the wires

That is a single stage stat. This is what u need to hook up.
R - rc/rh (leave jumper in tstat in place)
C - c (common)only need if you dont want to have to replace batteries or if it dont take batteries
W1 - to w (run short jumper from w1 to w2 on unit control board.
G - g for fan.

Colors dont matter but for conventional wiring yes match


Stat is not programable as far as cant set a schedule to kick on and off but should still have a set up screen or dip switches to tell it its an elec furn. Do u still have paper work on it. If not sure u can find it online.

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Looked your stat up and on the back there is a switch on bottom left corner for fan operation. Comes factory set for gas or oil move switch over to electric or heat pump side. This will allow stat to control fan

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Here is my board and my tstat.

I followed directions to make it electric. But still no fan

Both heat strips come on and off fine



Just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to @Curtis_H

we got the blower working and now I just need to replace one part to make heat strip work when it is supposed to
Ken, if you need an AC unit to compliment that one, I have a unit here with AC and no heat out of my new house.

:lol: Yeah, old house had no AC in the summer, new house had no heat in winter.

Going to try and make it work in my new shop so I at least have a cool summer in there.