Already home so I'll give a small report with minimal pics because I was mostly tail gunner (and tend to leave my phone in the truck so I don't lose it.)
Clubbs' Jeep and his friend BJ's 4runner
Started off with a brief conversation between Clubbs and I about where to start which was pretty much him asking where I wanted to go, to which I replied "I dunno, I've never been here!" to which his response was "Us either, let's go that way!" So off we went down a trail entrance from the campground, Clubbs leading our little group of misfits, BJ, then myself. After going down and down and down some more, we hung a right and went a ways until Clubbs found a red arrow pointing up a hill and figured that would be a good place to start. Our best guess from the map was we were at Chadillac Hill. Walking up to watch I noticed as Clubbs was trying to maneuver around a rock that both of his front tires weren't pulling. "Hey are you locked in the front?" I ask. "No, it's still open...." was his reply. Nevertheless, he made easy work of the obstacle and pulled up some to spot BJ. As I pulled my rig up some more to be ready when BJ cleared, I took this pic.
BJ, however, wasn't making as quick of work as Clubbs did, so I walk back up to notice two of his four tires doing their best to propel his 4runner up the loose rock, but it was for naught. Thus, some cable was pulled.
That was my last pic, so you'll have to use your imagination from here out until Clubbs can upload the pics and vids they took. Apparently, the winch on BJ's 4runner decided it wanted to be on vacation too, and wasn't up to the task of freeing him from his predicament. So I pulled up close and ran my winch line past him to the snatch block and winched him to where all four tires had a better handle on things. This is when Clubbs informs us that not too much further we would be in a gully with sides as tall as his Jeep, with only one or two questionable lines of exit. We all proceed up into said gully to find he wasn't exaggerating. We discussed the options and decided on the far-right line, which was a tight fit for a full width Dana 60 with 42's. But after excellent positioning Clubbs again made it look easy. BJ lined up and made a good effort at the same line, but being open on each end we knew the cable would again be called upon. Then it was my turn. I tried the same line, went head to head with the tree two or three times before getting where I thought was close enough, then applied liberal amounts of throttle with minimal regard for the consequences.
We then proceeded up the rest of Chadillac (we think,) Clubbs in the lead, BJ spinning tires and slinging rocks but getting it done, and me enjoying the show. BJ had to be tugged once, but did a great job. We came out near the cabins and it was close to lunch time, so back to camp for some vittles. Bobby stopped by and offered to take us to Cripple Creek since it is so highly recommended by y'all. We get down to the entrance, and Bobby and Clubbs are talking when I hear Bobby say "You're open in the front? Let's take a walk up here first." So we walk back up the connector trail, then down into Cripple Creek and back to the trucks. Bobby says "I'm not telling you not to do it, but I'm saying I wouldn't if I were you." We heed his advice, and ask which trails would be more suitable for the rigs. He points us to Ice Cream Hill, where Clubbs does the first part with minimal issue, but BJ just couldn't maintain enough momentum to overcome the lack of traction aids. It was at this point the decision was made to stick to easier trails and work our way over to the Honey Hole. We get there in time to watch a few others play around, then Clubbs picks a nice line and makes it look easy, going out a back exit of the Honey Hole and circling back around.
We then head back to camp and again opt to drop into the trail system, but where we thought we were going and where we ended up rarely matched, so eventually it turned into a "where's that trail go?" "Hell-if-I-know, let's find out!" We rode up hills, down hills, side hills, found some mud, found something that looks like it was trying to be a trail and Bobby didn't stop us when we went that way so maybe it was? Go fish. We eventually ended up near Leo's Den, then came out of the trails for some supper.
Clubbs cooked some excellent fajita's, BJ made some burgers, a good time was had, and a decision was made to pack up and head down to Kairos in the AM.
The AM revealed clouds with off again and on again drizzle, so I elected to skip the second park and enjoy a leisurely ride home, ensuring I would be home in plenty of time to satisfy my wife's "you better be home Sunday in time for our Father's Day cookout!" stipulation to me being gone on said celebratory weekend.
Clubbs' and BJ's kids took some pics and vids, stand by for those and their side of the story lol.