KC4x4's buggy SOLD!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
Asheboro NC
Since the benifit ride for Melissa.....We are using the money raised to pay for her insurance. We still don't have a date set for DUKE hospital. We don't want the funds to go anywhere but her insurance. She doesn't have a job and her short time disability has ended. Her long term disability was not accepted and declined. Only my income for all the bills (ones we already had and hospital) Our house is heated with oil and it was expensive when we filled up. Still is expensive if you ask me. Point is all this is adding up to an amount that I couldn't afford. I had a buyer for the buggy to call me from Oklahoma. He wanted to come look and see it. It took him all of 10 minutes to decide he wanted it. So I let it go. (it's a peice of metal.........it can be replaced.) I happen to know the builder...Ha Ha! I couldn't let my family deal with all the bills due and not sell. I am down right now but I'll be back!!!

At least I did own it when the CRAWL mag came out.

I want to say again....Thanks to everyone on this board who has helped and prayed or us.

All that being said.....I am in the market for a cheap something for trail riding.

congrats on the sell. it will help things out. we are still praying for yall. when i get my junk back together there will be an open seat for ya anytime you feel the need to go wheelin.
Sorry about the buggy, it's material
I know it's a sad thing to do...I was there when I sold my TJ. Real life comes first(bills ect...)

A man has to do, what a man has to do. BUT it takes a REAL man to know when that is.

Congrats on the sale Kevin...Hope ya made out decent on the deal.

We're still pullin' for you two!
You could probably get a good deal on Jason's Jeep. It might need two new front tires though since it has been sitting on the rims for a while.
Hey Kevin,

Glad to hear the Buggy sold to the guy we were talking about last weekend.. At least he sounds like he will put it to good use..

as stated above we can always build another buggy/toy.. but family always comes first
Hate to hear you had to sell the buggy I'm glad the misses got to ride in it b 4 it had to go. But the long term disability you always get turned down the first time you have to apply 3 times and you will be denied each time, but after the third time get a lawyer and most of the time you get it plus back pay. My motherinlaw worked for cannon mills for 31 years has c.o.p.d. and that is what she had to do.
really sad to hear the buggys gone. loved watching that thing. But fam comes first and well....building one is the fun part anyways. Let me know if you ever need a ride. Theres a seat open in the cherokee.
sorry it had to go but gota do what you gota do..I really enjoyed the article tho. I hope everything works out for you guys..Im still praying for ya
I wasnt gonna say anything at the Farm Kevin....

But the tires were kinda small....

You can do better next time around :beer:

In all seriousness, sorry to hear its gone man. BUT, glad to hear that everything seems to be going better for you guys. Im sure when you need help building up a new buggy, everyone will be here to help you out!

Good luck man
Please tell me Stump didn't have anything to do with why it needs tires:rolleyes:

No, they are just flat, and have been for a while.
I am sad, but also happy. I hate the need to sell it was there, but happy I got to ride in it!
Give Melissa a hug for me.
Tis the right thing to do, as u say it is replaceable!

Keeping you guys in our prayers
Sucks to see it go after such a short period of time, but I know that won't be the end of ya.

I think you should pick up a Sammy and give it the stumprope treatment.. :D
Sucks to see it go, but I gotta say, Congrats on getting sold! I figured that would've been a tough sale due to Value and the economy.

like someone said earlier, with #2 as nice as it was, I can't wait to see #3! :beer: