Last wishes ?

Yeah old thread indeed - took me a bit to notice, I was thinkin' Wow some folks I haven't seen here in awhile!

In all seriousness, I am a big advocate of donating your body "to science", for all you guys that don't want alot (or any) $$ spent and don't care what is done, give it some serious thought. They can't pay you (er, the family).... turns out that's illegal (HA!)... but in many cases the receiving agency will cover the costs.
There are lots of options for what you can do, aside from organ donation, in some cases still even after organs harvested.

When I was at Wake Forest, our dept. handled the Gross Anatomy lab that served the Medical School. They had (former) people coming in in all kinds of conditions. It really is a great opportunity for students to learn about how the body works/everything is connected... and I like the idea of Med students learning to use a scalpel on a dead guy before practicing on me!
One cool fact, they extract the brains, and they are used by Neuroscience grad students to take to "demonstrations" at local schools (I started a club that did this) to talk about anatomy, brain facts etc. Nothing funnier than a 10-year old's face when you reach into a bucket and pull out a real human brain!

I'll be donated for sure.
We never got to see brains when I was 10... I am jealous.
but why care...if it helps one person or even brings a smaile to the harvester's face it is worth it....the worms aren't that hungry or endanagered
I used to be until I found out that your organs don't always go to people. If you've ever seen a "harvester" at work, you may think twice.
I have seen a International Harvester at work.:D Does that count?
If you want to be cremated and have no visitation, by all means, give it all away. But, if you think your family would like to see you before you go under the dirt, at least don't give away your skin.

North Carolina does a good job of harvesting, leaving your body in good shape. SC, on the other hand, not so good. Different harvesting companies maybe, they just seem to be in poor shape after coming from that state. Can't speak for the other states.

I would give away anything of mine to help "most" anyone (excluding alcoholics/druggies/all around bad decision makers). However, I don't my body to lay around and rot away.
If I come back as anything I want to come back as my cat. Get fed anything I want, sleep all day, chase tail all night, be pampered, petted and loved whenever and wherever I want, come inside and go out as I please, and have two big dogs to back my play when things get rough. Yeah that would be great.