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You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
This morning (9/11), Delany Ruth Hairston decided it was time to ditch Mom and get external. So she didn't mess around.
5 lbs, 17.5", and 4 weeks early. Total time in labor: <40 mins.

7:00 "Honey, my water broke."
7:05 " No contractions though. Well, lets get going in a little while. Might as well shower etc."
7:40 "i think I just had a contraction, not sure."
7:50 Leave for 28 mi trip to hospital, in Baltimore
7:51 "um, these contractions are 2 mins apart..."
7:51:01"Oh !@#$"
8:10 "Contractions < 1.5 mns apart.... better hurry!"
8:15 arrive at birthing center
8:20 Delaney born

< 5 mins between arriving at hosiptal and when she popped out.
I was just finishing the addmitance papers when she was born, didn't even know.
Thank God there was no traffic on '95, and I didn't get pulled over. We probably averaged 85 mph on the trek down.
Turns out that ECORS-style driving came in handy!

Rachael (wife) and Delaney are doing fine, she was breech, came out butt-first (some kind of symbolism there) but due to small size, minimal problems for mom. They're chillin' out.


Her borther, Jonas, is very excited. Kept saying, "I love your Sissy."


And of course, this makes for a new race crew member


test-fitting for proper alignment
Wow Outstanding Man.Congratulations!!!!!!!!That is a crazy story too!!!!!!!!!!Best wishes to the whole Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crazy timing, love the sticker testing... Congratulations.
Wow, 5 minutes after arriving! Congratulations!
Nice! Congratulations to both of you. You for the new child, her for the quick delivery! Whitney wants to know the secret for our next one. ;) She's beautiful, even under the sticker. I hope to meet her soon.
congrats Dave. must be something about the second born, first born blazed the trail, second one just followed. That sounds very similar to our twins timetable, 7:30-9:30pm...wife was bummed there was no time for the drugs.
Congrats. He shares a birthday with my youngest son, who turned 2 yesterday.
Thanks guys.
The whole thing was just a whirlwind. After her water broke, we started off alllackidasical, figuring we had a few hours etc. Then when she timed the contractions in the car, the reality hit and I just floored it. Up to that point, we had no indications of it happening so soon. The trip into the hospital normally takes 25+ mins, I did it in under 18... turns out if I hadn't, she would have been born in the car. Which, aside from the mess, would be a major problem, since we knew the baby was "breech" (butt-first) making things pretty dangerous.
She was delivered literally right inside the door of the women's center ICU, they didn't have time to move her anywhere, just had a swarm of nurses jump in, complete chaos for a few minutes... dialog like, "We need a sonogram to confirm she's breech..." "Um, I can see the baby's butt, it's breech and will be out before that thing even starts up!"
They got lucky and pulled her out w/o any major problems... baby has some nice bruises on her hips and hands, but they say that'll go away in a few days.
Total of like 85 minutes between water breaking and baby popping.

She and Rachael should be coming home by Monday.

Maybe the coolest part is, she was born 15 years... to the day... from the day Rachael and I met... 1st weeknd after Labor Day at Appalachian, at an "ice cream social" picnic shindig at East Hall...
Nice work, congrats!
Beautiful baby...and good driving...Thankfully there were no tress in the median.

That's pretty funny, Kylie was born 9 years to the day from when me and Linda met.
that's real good Dave. I'm happy for yall.