You will want to apply a Pre emergent over this winter to keep cool season weeds from germinating, now would be a good time. In Late February when its the coldest and all centipede is totally dormant you can also spray Round up on any existing green weeds and it wont hurt the centipede. I'm not a pro on Centipede but March would be too early if youre going to overseed. I'm pressed for time but will read up and get you some good info later.In my back yard I'm following the posted plan for fescue drkelly mentioned above.
Anyone want to give me a plan on my front yard centipede?
Some weeds and small clover in with the grass. A lot of wild onion showing up this fall in it.
Last years grass was much better than this year, and I want to make sure I get it looking better next summer as well.
If someone can help with a plan for
The centipede I can start planning for it next spring.
My current idea aerate and over seed in March?