Legends Class 4800 Build - “Tinkerita”

This weekend was a productive weekend on the Jeep after an eventful Friday trying to get back to NC. I spent my Saturday afternoon fixing the sway bar tube and finalizing the spare parts box location while making brackets for the TG fluid container. To provide a little extra support, I sleeved the sway bar with a longer inner tube to support the tire carrier mount. After getting it all welded, I worked on finalizing the placement for everything else and tacked all the mounts in place.
Sway Bar Sleeve.jpg

Sway Bar Rebuild.jpg

Battery Tray.jpg

TG Brackets.jpg

Spare Box Brackets.jpg

TG Fitment.jpg

Sunday was a heavy welding day. Finished welding all the brackets, welded up the tire carrier and even broke out the spray paint. The goal was to get everything finished up on the rear so I can start working on the underside. I forgot I needed to weld my tabs for the PSC vent so took care of that. Tucked it behind the battery out of the way. After all the welds cooled, I painted all the bare metal with the stainless paint on the chassis and black on the carriers. Assembled everything once things dried.
PSC moved.jpg

Rear Complete.jpg

The last thing was to install the tire carrier. Although tight clearances, everything fits well and should be ready to go. I like the way everything in the rear turned out.
Tire Carrier Complete.jpg

Tire Carrier Rear View.jpg

With the rear all buttoned up, it's time to move forward to the most needed area and most dreaded area, the subframe. This will allow me to get all my new link mounts installed and one step closer to having a rolling chassis again.
Crandon is right around the corner and I'm not sure I'll have this thing ready. Regardless, I'm still trying to get it back to race ready so I can work on some other projects. We shall see...

Since I cut the sub-frame tubes, I needed to get that all rebuilt to move forward. To make it easier to rebuild and add strength, I sleeved everything with 1.75" 120. Was able to sleeve the entire length on both sides and back, then added the 2" to keep it original looking.
Sub Frame Tubes.jpg

Sub Frame 2in.jpg

As for the rear most tubes, I had to utilize a 3-piece design since it was solid. Again utilized 1.75" as an inner tube and 2" pieces so they could expand into the intersections.
Sub Frame 3 piece.jpg

Sub Frame 3 piece Install.jpg

As for the last supporting tube, I used a short inner tube and outer tube to fit into the node.
Sub Frame Support.jpg

With all the tubes complete, it was time to weld everything 100%. I've been out of practice, but definitely got my practice in. Was also able to weld up the new lower link mounts from TMR which fit into place perfect. I reused the uppers since they weren't damaged and got them into place as well.
Lower Brackets.jpg

Upper Brackets.jpg

After a full weekend of fabrication, I spent my last few hours cleaning everything up with a grinder. I didn't like the looks of the gaps in the new tubes, so I filled them in.
Sub Frame Complete.jpg

It's all done and time to move onto the next project.