- Joined
- Oct 31, 2007
- Location
- Asheville, NC
I caught a quick look when we met on I-26 this evening. I was headed to that wreck at MM11. Looked good from what I could tell, looking forward to the pics!
Still waiting on my cab lights!
The grey one is mine, the white one is my buddys
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Looks awesome!
Guess yall like buying tires alot, mud grapplers don't last very long on anything.
I got 45,000 out of a set of 37s on my 02 2500...just keep them rotated and the right air pressure.
I've got 25k on the set that's on my truck right now with at least another 15k left in them. Air pressure and rotation are the keys to any mud tire.
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I agree..they last just as long as any AT if kept up with.
They wear down a lil faster than a normal street tire...... But they sure look swwweeeett, and have gotten me outta some off road should have been stuck situations.
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They look great and wear great for an MT.
Better pic of the grey goose
That's a good pic!
My old 01
Very clean!