Locking a Jetski??


blue collar brotherhood
Apr 10, 2005
Dallas NC
My brother is moving to the "city"(inner charlotte) and needs to figure out how to lock his jetski to his trailer. He has the tongue of the trailer locked twice but thats not gonna stop a great charlotte thief from throwing the thing in the back of a truck. Any Ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. :beer:
Not much you can do

A single jet ski trailer and ski are small and light enough for a few guys to move. My best friend had the whole thing stolen, even with cables through the wheels and locked on the front and back. Just make it " not convenient " for people to steal. If they really want it there's not much you can do. On the other hand...I have two jet skis in my driveway that have never been touched..It just depends on the area and luck. If you find a better way, please post about it.
Rent a small storage unit.
If he has a driveway and a yard, sink a piece of steel pipe in some concrete in the ground, and weld a trailer ball on the top of it. set the hitch on the ball, and lock it down.

May be a little "neckish" for Charlotte, but it works.
We have a WINNER

I 3rd the rental storage!

While you may deter the teenypunks that imagine the coolness of snatching a jetski "for the day" and hauling it to a local lake... "professionals" don't play the "oh well, it's chained/cabled/locked & walk away" game! A cutoff wheel mounted on an 18V circular saw will render even the huge "Kryptonite" cables & hardened chains useless in seconds.

I've personally witnessed a large jetski (could ride 3 adults) being repo'd and while the 3 guys weren't tiny, they weren't monsters either... cut the straps, lifted it off the trailer, slid it onto a cradle in the back of a pickup, and were literally gone in 30 seconds (if it even took that long)! Should have seen the look on the "owners" face when he came out of Hardees with his chicky already for a day on the pond... :lol:
Thats what I was thinking. Sounds like a storage unit would be the only way to go and I'm sure he could find one close to him on South Blvd. Now if he could get people to quit breakin in his jeep his worries would be over(happened like 6xs). He has an alarm but I told him he needs to paint all that "bling chrome" black and it wouldn't look like such a beacon for thieves. Nobody has ever taken anything out of my doorless yota!! :flipoff2:
pick it up with 2 or 3 guys and set it on skids in your living room, makes a wonderful converation peice.
Get about 20 rolls of duct tape...after that much tape, theives are either not gonna recognize it or get caught in it like fly paper when they try and cut it open. Problem solved.

I used to rent jet skis and have moved them around with just one other guy. Of course, that wasn't a great distance (trailer to trailer), but those of you who've met me know I'm not what they call.....big. So if one other guy and I can move one around, a couple real determined theives could carry one off without problem. Chain that sucker to the trailer, and chain the trailer to something big. And then put it all in your brother's backyard so no one sees it.