Looking for shop space in the Creedmoor/Youngsville/Wake Forest/Raleigh area


The Jeeper Reaper
Aug 9, 2005
Wake Forest, NC
Deal fell through on the shop we were going to lease, zoning wouldn't allow automotive work. Apparently the current tenant did not have a business permit because he was running a shop for a couple years out of the space. Trying to do it all legally here.

Looking for something at least 2500sqft that I can run a forklift in and throw pallet racks up and have a storage lot for keeping our stuff while it waits to come in.

I am currently up in Wake Forest towards Creedmoor and want to stay in the same general area.

Anyone know of anything?
That's not Wake Forest, that's inside the beltline in Raleigh. A little farther than I want to be at from my house.

EDIT: going to try and get a special use permit for the space we were looking at, if the owner will allow us some time to get that taken care of. In the mean time, trying to keep my options open.
My bad, searched "Wake Forest". Must have been a tag at the bottom. HATE people that do that.


Let me know if you need anything drawn up such as a Scaled Site Plan with a Vicinity Map or anything. You never know until you try...

As they say, the only BAD question is not asking. WF is the most lenient of all the municipalities we deal with. They overlook a tremendous lot.
The shop we are looking at is not in Wake Forest, I am currently in Wake Forest.

I am applying for a special use permit and the city sounded very receptive to it when I spoke with them today, but gotta go through all the hearings and hoops. Just gotta make sure the owner of the building will wait for me to get the permit before signing the lease.