Thats a lot to take in at one time. I saw the press release inviting all the top drivers to attend the Huesmann Memorial. I didnt think much of it, because they pull each others drivers all the time. (Except for the drivers branded with the series sponsorship). The 2 brothers that own Traxxus also own the series and race in it. Great guys, but the Charlotte race is a prime example of how weak thier promotion and operating skills are. They let CMS handle the promotion, since they arent set up to do it. CMS screwed the pooch again and the headcount was pathetic 2 years running. I spoke at length with Marty and the USAC guys at both races about their lack of impact on the market and where the money was wasted on CMS produced and managed advertising. CMS may have twisted their arm to get the track rental and the promo package in a deal. USAC is just a shadow of a once great organization, used to lend some credence and a few flagmen to the series.
Now, on the other hand, Lucas would have had the stands full by the second or third year. There would have been demos at the other race events. Like maybe for the 200 thousand action starved NASCAR fans in town all week. The races were going on right across the frickin' street at CMS the same weekend! DUHHHH! (You know, the same people you paid to promote your race and rented you the track!) Lucas would have gone to the schools and given out free kid's tickets, TV spots before midnight, free pit passes with every ticket would have been made well known, etc... No doubt about it.
They (Traxxus) also rescheduled the date this year (They say, to beat the heat) and it landed on a date LOORS was running a big race out west and the car count was pitiful. Greaves, Douglas, Johnson and 1 flat biller punk, were the only big names in attendance. None of the huge on site activities with Dodge Ram were there, like the first year. They moved the pits to the back stretch, a bad move for fan access and most didnt even know they could go there to visit the drivers and see the trucks. Traxxus has Crandon going for it. Thats their main ace in the hole. They are trying to draw another Ace with this Huseman memorial race. Cant say I blame them. I also cant say I blame Lucas for clearly stating their posistion for 25 years as the perinial pocket book, talent pool, in house production crew, and labor force behind the sport's growth. The drivers have had it both ways all this time and will probably continue to pick races between the series. The way the Traxxus series is currently being run, I dont see them surviving too much longer. Lucas will swoop in and own Crandon, Bark River, etc... soon enough.
Unfoutunatly we probably wont see any more racing in the south untill the economy speeds up and allows teams to stretch that far. Look at Nascar's example of going to the west coast and mid west over the years. The desire had to be built to a fever pitch by a winning TV product before the live deliverable was put in place.