Lots of interesting news today

The new crate motor by EV West and Revolt fits just like a small-block Chevy | Hagerty Media

See also Cummins R2.8

$8k for a crate motor complete with ECM , wiring harness, firewall bulkhead and throttle pedal?

Hell A performance gas crate motor will cost you that by itself...
The price isn't world's away from a smooth, reliable 550hp/800ftlb crate engine AND TRANSMISSION that can handle that power. But the bitch will be in the execution. Batteries, controllers, charging systems, etc.
So a Die Hard on the back seat and a set of jumper cables is out of the question?
Its not actually. Read the article. They're actually growing muscle cells in the bio-reactor. Weird times we live in.

Yes, but if you notice in the article, they mention that the final product being largely plant based.

Either way, I am trying to limit my intake of synthetic product not increase it.
Because he lives in Commiefornia.
But he was in Nevada when this happened. And you can own a gun in California, sir. Not the coolest guns, but the list allows for plenty that'll take down a bear. A
.45-70 etc.. Cool that his dog didn't die, but this fella must not have kids to confront a hungry bear with bear fists. (No pun intended)