Lots of interesting news today

to have your gun store/club robbed is embarrasing and should be a criminal offense.

the gun grabber nuts always lean on 'gun owners are irresesponsible' when deflecting from the real issue.....and then a gun club gets robbed further fueling the misguided, but headline grabbing, narrative

why doesn't the NRA or other gun groups help to pay for extra fortifications at gun stores and the like? Seems like cheap insurance against the gun grabber nuts having yet another news story to rally behind.

You want extra bollards or thicker gates or extra security personel at your gun place? We got you!

bollards would have stopped this particular robbery....and aren't that expensive.
One of our local pawn/gun stores was in an old bank building and all his gun racks were on wheels. After hours all the racks and cases were rolled in the vault and locked up for the night. It was brilliant.
i dont think its possible for taco bell quality to go down more. its literally a ziploc of meat boiled whole (actually). but i love it lol
For fast food, Taco Bell is one of the few that use actual meat, without too much other filler/BS.... you can fairly easily get a meal under 1000cal there vs the rest.
For fast food, Taco Bell is one of the few that use actual meat, without too much other filler/BS.... you can fairly easily get a meal under 1000cal there vs the rest.

if thats true - they ruin the whole of it by boiling it in a bag. helllloooo estrogen

time for the firing squad

i'll donate the bullet
Today wral had more news about the driver that killed the guy. He was high on Oxy AND he was on his phone on facebook while he was driving. The asshole asked the judge " when can I get my job again. I think the bond was 350000.
I can't find this on wral, it was there about noon.
Today wral had more news about the driver that killed the guy. He was high on Oxy AND he was on his phone on facebook while he was driving. The asshole asked the judge " when can I get my job again. I think the bond was 350000.
I can't find this on wral, it was there about noon.
Like I said ...firing squad for
Dump truck driver license board

Anyone who had even 1 pinkie involved with letting this guy be free in society
Fascinating that we all talk about crime, spend so much money on it, and wanting change but no one does anything about it.

not very 'in depth' there Dan

If that's in-depth, no wonder we never know whats going on

but the increase in homelessness in Raleigh is an easy thing to pinpoint the cause of.

The city council/mayor encouraged and funded unrestrained growth with zero care for any of the negative impacts. The obvious focus on short term gains for themselves is obvious.

See....no need to get 'deep' its all out there to see on the surface.

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