May jam or May scam?

So the gist is they are focused on mud racers not anyone else correct?

Ehh, I wouldn't go so far as saying that, it is more of his bread and Butter So to Speak, although a Mud Race in and Of itself isn't able to stand on its own numbers wise, he has to throw something else in with it each time weather its a Derby, or Grudge Pull, or Rock Crawl, etc

He did postpone the Mud Race Both Days to let the high Speed Race Run on its own For the Fans To watch.

Pretty Much whatever draws the biggest crowd is what he is most focused on, these events are a decent part of what pays his bills

You can bet though now that the May Jam went by with the same turnout numbers wise as his Season opener Mud Race/Demo Derby, he's gonna start looking for new ways to get a crowd in - ie: why spend all the money and effort on a weekend event when he can do it in a single day type mentality

Which honestly is just business - If I had to pay out more to put on a Grudge Pull at Mooresville than I thought I could bring in I wouldn't do em either, I don't have the extra $$ to spend, I pretty much broke even both times.

Course If I did Have the extra $$ to spend then I'd just put on a crazier show :smokin:

Doubt he'll drop the High Speed Race, the weekend was still a sucess, had a decent crowd and the spectators seemed to really enjoy themselves, but you can bet his mind is workin to figure out how to get more spectators in - it is a business
but you can bet his mind is workin to figure out how to get more spectators in - it is a business

If you put on a good enough show people will come watch.
If you value your racers and take care of them, they will come put on a show.
Its pretty simple, man.

As to the last part-
"If it sounds good people will listen to it. If it looks good people will watch it. If it is marketed right people will buy it. If it's REAL people will feel it."
Pro Cut Tire Class I believe is $75 to enter - $600/200/100 Payout with 5 Truck Minimum

44 Pro is like $60 I think - $400,140,60 Payout with 5 Truck Minimum

A modest guranteed cash (no prize/cash combo BS) payout with a low racer minimum (like you have posted there) looks much more appealing than some big money cash/prize combination where you're wondering if it's going to be enough entries to win your gas money or selling off a bunch of useless stuff for cheap to make your trip worth it.

I live 45 minutes away and would have brought an A class and a C class racer had there been a payout schedule similar to what was posted above.

Not to mention at least a hundred or so from the fan club. :flipoff2: (Easily 8 or s paying spectators though.).

And I'll just come out and say, another thing that keeps me away from this event and events like it, is that I really don't like my race car being associated with a "Mud Boggin'/ Truck Pullin'/ No Skills Penis Measurin' Rally".
If you put on a good enough show people will come watch.
If you value your racers and take care of them, they will come put on a show.
Its pretty simple, man."

Clearly mudding and back to back pulling are on a different page than rock/enduro 4x4 racing.
With that seems like folks would take notice and have the events on a different weekend.

I know that May Jam is billed as an all 4x4 weekend bash, but the facts are..most folks are like Will in there mindset, that they dont want to be a side show to the mudding.

Other than mudding and back to back pulling, our sport has changed and evolved alot in the past few years. Keeping up with ''whats new'' is what promoters should be doing.

If 5 mud trucks showed up to an ECORS race..they'd feel as out of place as most wheelers feel showing up at a mudbog.

I'm not bashing anyone or calling any names, cause thats not nice, My only words of wisdom are for promoters to take these threads seriously and gain advice from them.

Through thick and thin..I give props to anyone trying to better themselves, their business, and OUR SPORT. But you have to take all 3 of these parts as seriously as the other, or folks will see right through ya.
WOW... I am glad I broke the race truck on Friday during a prerun and had a stripped bolt keep me from geting everything back together. I would have been really been pissed to place 1st only to get my race fee back. Cost more than that in fuel to haul the truck up there and back. if there were 6 racers, than the payout should have been figured as if there were 7 since I paid the $90 to enter, unless Johnny plans on refunding my $ since I wasn't able to race...

Ron makes some good points about how to treat the racers, although we (well, team DOR) haven't always agreed on some of ECORS decisions, they have always tried to be fair with all the competitors and have never shorted any of us a prize purse (even though I am sure some of the $$ came out of pocket). Thats why we keep racing the ECORS events...
I just think its BS if Johnny got paid by at least 6 or 7 racers @ $90 a pop and the winner gets $90 bucks back, what happened to the other $540, and then if you ad in co driver fees, which was probably another $75 or so, he should of gotten around 600 or so just for A class, so of the roughly $600 he kept $500 of it, man hes gettin a hell of a cut from the racers.

As far as Wilsons is concerned I have no doubt he will honor the gift certificate, problem is without written documentation how do I really know what Im getting. Lets say he told Johhny he would give 4 gift certificates @ 300 a pop, well what if Johnny says the racers only get 3 of those gift certificates. Or I know Lorenzo said he got paid last year with some gift certificates given to him by Johhny. My point is without written documentation how do you know what you got or what you are giving away. I think I'm supposed to get a gift certificate from Wilson's for $300, but everything was so confusing at the end with Ricky trying to argue with Johnny on the prizes I have no idea what I'm supposed to get.

I know I got a trophy and $90, which I gave the $90 to my buddy Jason for hauling my jeep back, and also I felt bad since he didnt get a trophy. Seriously you would be surprised how far a $10 trophy will go to satisfy a racer.
The mud racing entry fee and purse would pack the racers in!!! And the beauty of that is all the additional people that come eith them. Just me showing up brought in 3 adults and 2 kids.

Same here I brought 3 extra adults and a racer
Same here I brought 3 extra adults and a racer
Which really aint much, from a promoters standpoint, i guess.
That same mud truck brought in 3 cousins,4 brothers, six sisters and 23 rowdy/paying spectators.
There's no doubt that the stables makes more money from mudding and pulling folks than us...and that is clearly where their attention is.
I just wish it were better for us. Seems like a great location, geographicly speaking, for a great 4x4 race.
thanks brad, you called me out on here for the may race, and im never racing again, and good luck getting me to be crew chief anymore, interim or not! of course you know im kidding

but i will say, after 2 days of racing... hard racing... the sammy did make the drive back home, with the front tires and axle making a smiley face and all!!

i could go on, but ill save it for pm's

catch everyone later, and brad, we need an oil pan for the heep

Hey ya'll! I know this thread is much ado about a lot of interesting events that happened this weekend at the May Jam, but I just wanted to pop in here and say THANK YOU to any of you that stopped by my vendor booth and either purchased something or just stopped in to tell us some really interesting stories about your wheeling adventures. I know a lot of people are PO'd at the unorganized nature of this particular event and that is something that I can certainly agree with. Even with all of the craziness that went on both me and my brother just felt like we were able to meet some of the nicest people in NC and we certainly appreciate all of you for taking the time to come and beat the crap out of your equipment.

Ricky, like we told you before, you did a great job and we hope you continue to do so. I know your throat was killing you but you stuck in there and did what you could to keep things rolling. Thanks man.

Ya'll take it easy and if you decide to come out on June 12th to the Lexington Mud Races you'll see Dirty Left Elbow there. Stop on by and introduce yourselves and if you've got some stories to tell about whatever in the wheeling world, we'd certainly like to hear 'em!
thanks brad, you called me out on here for the may race, and im never racing again, and good luck getting me to be crew chief anymore, interim or not! of course you know im kidding
but i will say, after 2 days of racing... hard racing... the sammy did make the drive back home, with the front tires and axle making a smiley face and all!!
i could go on, but ill save it for pm's
catch everyone later, and brad, we need an oil pan for the heep

Man, i never got a chance to catch up with yall after the races, but i had been meaning to ask you why in the world are you not racing the Sammy in ECORS? I was sitting up on the bank beside the mud track and could see most of the course and you were freaking smoking. I was truely shocked at how well you held your speed around the whole course. Really nice job man:driver: Brad may have been faster, but he also has about a 130hp advantage.....

Race that junk, I need some help showing them what those Jap 4 cylinders can do
With the right gears a sammi will fly.

We were flying, he jumped the crap out of it several times, seriously if he had a little more power in that thing he would have won, definately out drove me....I know cause I was riding with him:driver:
With the right gears a sammi will fly.
We were flying, he jumped the crap out of it several times, seriously if he had a little more power in that thing he would have won, definately out drove me....I know cause I was riding with him:driver:

:driver: Proof:

