Meet and Greet in raleigh Dec 11 2009

last minute

I think i can come and maybe bring a few others. Ill try to bring some dessert or something to add to the buffett.
-Tripp -RaleighRockrawlers
If you don't mind a FSJ, the wife and I would like to join the bunch and give Gregg some crap.
Me and maybe 2 more, wife and daughter. I just have to keep a close eye on the daughter around those damn 4wheel parts pervs....:shaking:

(in my best Homer Voice) MMMMMMM.....Daughters!!!

If you don't mind a FSJ, the wife and I would like to join the bunch and give Gregg some crap.

Absolutely, the more the merrier.
We are trying to get the last figured out-

Ok, the pork, coleslaw and potato salad are covered
by us here at the store

Zukibogger is brining plates/cups/silverware?
houdini is bringing cookies and drinks
Whitey- mac salad and drinks
hscrugb7y side dish
built-tj sidedish
greenford sidedish
big juggy drinks
johnnymac chocolate cake
whitey mac salad
3 people bringin drink
and 2 person baked beans

We will have the rock pile, backwoods trail and RTI ramp open for everyone who wants to play
wish i could come im kyrgzstan right now and wont be back in time it seems like i always miss out on the fun stuff
I got (6) 12 packs of drinks...will get em on ice tommorrow...I'll be there whenever work lets out...its like detention @ school
I know y'all remember that !!! :huggy:
I'm going to TRY to come w/ my son. If I do, I'll be bringng a load of biscuits from down the street. I REALLY didn't think tomorrow was going to be a quiet day but now....
I'm bringing the plates, utensiles, chips and salsa to brian in the morning to bring with him. I'll be there around 6:30. Whats the backwoods trail, I'm ready to run it.
might not be able to make it tonight after all. i got done in raleigh a lot sooner than i thought i would today so im prolly gonna head home and hunt.

i was one of the people on the slate for baked beans so if anyone else can pick them up that'd be great.

see you fellas next time :beer: