monster 4runner

I got my Peterson's Mag in the mail today. Sure enough your 4-runner is in it. Really nice article.
Thanks guys. You should see the plaque that they sent me...
I like this picture.....

I got the brake and accelerator pedal confused.... I left a note under the wiper of the Buick... Not sure it stayed in place being the windshield was a little smashed.....

By the way George, where did you find this pic???
Ryan with 4wheel parts posted it on his facebook page, I promise I am not stalking you.......:D
i new i should have come up there it would have been worth it just to see your rig
Just got the mag in the mail. Didn't follow up on this post so it was a nice surprise to see a fellow NC4x4 and CTB'er in the 4wd Magazine.
Rock on Bro!
Thanks guys.
Cloverfest is coming up at the end of the month. I made me a ramp to display the truck flexed out a little bit. The ramp is only 30" tall so that the rig wil be stable enough to have people around it. Hopefully I will be able to pass out a lot of SFWDA brochures.


Well, it's been a blast, but it is time to do something different. I'll be driving to New York this weekend to trade the 4Runner for this 2003 GT3 spec Porsche Carrera.
520RHWP will be fun...




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Robert, you still have time to back out of the deal..............
George, you have to finish your Yota. It will not seem right to be without an operable Cummins powered Yota in the area...
I know........ I am taking forever. With work, kids, and other stuff I have not had much time to work on it.