MOTD (Meme of the Day)

^^^ We went to a local restaurant about 945 last night. Few people in there. New couple came in, walked right past us to be seated. Renee and I both got a whiff of something. Vaguely familiar, but couldn't put a name on the smell right off. Then bang...what it was came to us at the same time...we both whispered "Skunk!" at the same time. Guess one of them had a run-in very recently.
^^^ We went to a local restaurant about 945 last night. Few people in there. New couple came in, walked right past us to be seated. Renee and I both got a whiff of something. Vaguely familiar, but couldn't put a name on the smell right off. Then bang...what it was came to us at the same time...we both whispered "Skunk!" at the same time. Guess one of them had a run-in very recently.
See also weed
Nawp....never thought weed smelled like skunk, to me. Pot is skunk-like maybe, but definitely not skunk. I've always had a sense of smell that I guess made up for crappy eyesight.

It's a specific strain. Smells so much like skunk it's not even funny. I've got an overly sensitive sniffer myself (yay allergies) and was fooled a few times myself. Told them tomato juice will get that smell out of their hair....showed me the blunt :shaking: