MOTD (Meme of the Day)

Funny story, when my son was about 4 we were at a hotel pool and he had to pee. We walked all over and couldn't find a bathroom so I whispered to him "hey buddy, when we get back just pee in the pool, it'll be fine". So we go back, I jump in and I hear my wife yell "Chase, no!" and I turn around and he's got pants down getting ready to pee in the pool. He yells out "but Daddy told me to do it!"

Needs more triangulation! :D
I was listening to these guys argue over employment numbers on the radio once and one guy was like "you know who will never have to look for work? TRIANGLES." I was like WTF is he talking about. Then I came on NC4x4 and totally understand now.
I was listening to these guys argue over employment numbers on the radio once and one guy was like "you know who will never have to look for work? TRIANGLES." I was like WTF is he talking about. Then I came on NC4x4 and totally understand now.

Except in a Fuller build....then it's not so much triangulation, but fucktangular