MOTD (Meme of the Day)

I think you're taking this to a generation that hasn't really had time to prove themselves yet.
I'm not sure when ass beatings stopped, but I do feel like those of us who are Gen Xers are frustrated enough with Millennials down that most of us are raising our kids differently - more like we were raised - than what we see happening so that our kids won't be like them.

Have you not heard, apparently Millennials are not as much of an issue anymore... seems COVID has made many of them grow up... its Gen Z (teenager to mid-20s) now that is becoming the issue.

I just wish GPS would start standardizing when they notify you of a turn. I don't particularly care when, I'd just be happy with consistent. Some times I get a 30 mile notification, sometimes it's 10 miles or 1 mile...but what really bugs me is when I hear 'in 6 tenths of mile' or '4 tenths of mile'...get it together, just say half a mile or wait until a quarter mile. I would have imagined there's some sort of mile marker/distance trigger built into the logic of these things...unless they're self-learning and some how considering, speed, traffic and overall driving tendencies.
Weird, I never have the sound turned on on my gps. I can't stand being told what to do :lol:

Program it with a female Australian or Scottish accent…it’s like your significant other is there, but kinkier