MOTD (Meme of the Day)

Chief loves to Jump to catch and swallow food tosses to him 6+ feet away. Tosss it up, right down the throat with a single jaw movement.
Its amazing how a pill tossed the same way is the only thing to hit the floor.

We've had good luck by getting out some meat and chopping it on the counter to get him all excited, throw him a few pieces, then take the pill and rub it in the meat and toss it like the others. By the time he realizes it its too late lol.
Goose got ran over a few years ago and was on a lot of meds for a few weeks. For a long te after that he would nibble every morcel of food you gave him with his front teeth before swallowing it to make sure there were no pills in it ha. Hence the shove it down his throat method.
I used peanut butter on a cracker. Bury the pill in the peanut butter. By the time she figured it out, she had swallowed the pill.
I used peanut butter on a cracker. Bury the pill in the peanut butter. By the time she figured it out, she had swallowed the pill.
I think I have the only dog in the world that has zero interest in peanut butter
I think I have the only dog in the world that has zero interest in peanut butter
After what you put it on that time...who can blame them?
Just because I’m a petty asshole, I thought you established that was unpossible from happening with your dog(s)?
Thanks for your concern. He wasn't on the road. He was at work with my dad. He was running beside the truck and looked up and something had been placed in his usual flight path. He juked left when he should have juked right.
Thanks for your concern. He wasn't on the road. He was at work with my dad. He was running beside the truck and looked up and something had been placed in his usual flight path. He juked left when he should have juked right.

No worries. Accidents happen, that’s the crux of my position. On a leash, perhaps someone could have made him zig, instead of zag. But if you don’t care, I don’t care, as long as your dog doesn’t zag into my car or my child.
No worries. Accidents happen, that’s the crux of my position. On a leash, perhaps someone could have made him zig, instead of zag. But if you don’t care, I don’t care, as long as your dog doesn’t zag into my car or my child.
You're no where near my sprawling country estate, your car and children should be safe.
I bought the "wrong" dog food once. Goose ate the entire bowl every night, except for the little green pieces that looked like peas.
Jack never ate the green pieces either LOL 😆
Maybe they should start serving clams or sushi w the hooters?
Just give 'em a whiff before you take that first taste.....don't want one that done turnt! :lol: