MOTD (Meme of the Day)

Happy Discoverer's Day... er whatever it is now

Dog we adopted hated cheese for the longest time finally started eating it when I’d offer apiece. Figured it was cause the PO used to hide meds in it and I don’t.

With our old dog (RIP), we started out just dropping a pill in with his food. He was a fast eater. Worked for a while, until one day he figured it out. He could fly thru his bowl of food ninety miles an hour, and leave that pill sitting in his food bowl all by itself when he was done. He'd do it in the dark, too.
Back before it was common knowledge that raisins were bad for dogs, I’d let Jack finish my Raisin Bran and he’d eat it plus clean the bowl spotless … except all the raisins would be left in a neat pile in the bottom.
Back before it was common knowledge that raisins were bad for dogs, I’d let Jack finish my Raisin Bran and he’d eat it plus clean the bowl spotless … except all the raisins would be left in a neat pile in the bottom.
I bought the "wrong" dog food once. Goose ate the entire bowl every night, except for the little green pieces that looked like peas.
Chief loves to Jump to catch and swallow food tosses to him 6+ feet away. Tosss it up, right down the throat with a single jaw movement.
Its amazing how a pill tossed the same way is the only thing to hit the floor.

We've had good luck by getting out some meat and chopping it on the counter to get him all excited, throw him a few pieces, then take the pill and rub it in the meat and toss it like the others. By the time he realizes it its too late lol.