MOTD (Meme of the Day)

In that case, your two week notice is approved. You can vacate now.
View attachment 364640

Even as an employer of 200 people, I never really get on board with PTO requests/approvals. Even on my sheets to charge proper accounts, it says 'PTO Notification'. I always try to take the approach of treat people like adults and they might surprise you. If I'm going to give them a PTO balance in the first place, I can't gripe about how and when they're going to use it. It's my responsibility to staff accordingly, that's what I get paid to do, not them. Now, if they're out of time, that's a different story, but I'm not going to fault an employee for a benefit I gave them. That said...what does bug me is that tone. If an employee wants to take that tone with me on any subject matter, I'll walk them out the door, right then and there.
Even as an employer of 200 people, I never really get on board with PTO requests/approvals. Even on my sheets to charge proper accounts, it says 'PTO Notification'. I always try to take the approach of treat people like adults and they might surprise you. If I'm going to give them a PTO balance in the first place, I can't gripe about how and when they're going to use it. It's my responsibility to staff accordingly, that's what I get paid to do, not them. Now, if they're out of time, that's a different story, but I'm not going to fault an employee for a benefit I gave them. That said...what does bug me is that tone. If an employee wants to take that tone with me on any subject matter, I'll walk them out the door, right then and there.
The big question is how do you staff when every employee wants to take the same day. (One of the gripes at my place of employment).
The big question is how do you staff when every employee wants to take the same day. (One of the gripes at my place of employment).

I can’t say I’ve literally had ‘everyone’ want the same day off. I generally staff 10% over my necessary FTE’s to account for absenteeism on a day to day basis. Holidays are always a popular time for folks to want to take off, I actually just doubled my holiday schedule last year (and will probably move to a floating holiday schedule). If I can’t schedule around shutting down a department or area, I ask for volunteers at double or triple time. In my opinion, if I can’t survive a day or two without a department, or a considerable amount of employees, I’m running things wrong and not cross trained well enough.

Edit…but I’m also one of those crazy people that wouldn’t expect staff to do anything I wouldn’t do. So if I need them there, I’ll be there too. I don’t care if that’s a sales meeting, scraping paint at a new warehouse (happening in two weeks) or suiting up and jumping in a batching suite (happening today with the plant manager, because 80% of that crew was exposed to Covid and they’re getting tested).
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I can’t say I’ve literally had ‘everyone’ want the same day off. I generally staff 10% over my necessary FTE’s to account for absenteeism on a day to day basis. Holidays are always a popular time for folks to want to take off, I actually just doubled my holiday schedule last year (and will probably move to a floating holiday schedule). If I can’t schedule around shutting down a department or area, I ask for volunteers at double or triple time. In my opinion, if I can’t survive a day or two without a department, or a considerable amount of employees, I’m running things wrong and not cross trained well enough.
Holy Jesus. 10% day to day? That’s insane.
Holy Jesus. 10% day to day? That’s insane.

Not so much when you consider I just loaded everyone’s annual PTO balance on Jan 1 and I have 30% usage the first quarter, and I’ve sent out 50 heads for Covid over the last 2 weeks. Plus I also give 8 ‘points’ for unpaid days as well.

Edit…you also have to remember, what costs more and is more detrimental, disgruntled employees that quit because they can’t take off or just leave you high and dry when you’re trying to schedule. Oooor, having a few too many heads? What’s the cost of retraining? What’s the cost of a line being down? What’s the penalty and fees for missing that deadline? Most businesses I’ve been in have a ‘no more than 10% of the department can take off at a given time’ policy anyway…so there’s inherent absenteeism anyway…staff accordingly. I might have 5 heads too many on each shift…so that’s $400k annually, good insurance to have that when not having them could cost me $100k/day.
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Not so much when you consider I just loaded everyone’s annual PTO balance on Jan 1 and I have 30% usage the first quarter, and I’ve sent out 50 heads for Covid over the last 2 weeks. Plus I also give 8 ‘points’ for unpaid days as well.

Edit…you also have to remember, what costs more and is more detrimental, disgruntled employees that quit because they can’t take off or just leave you high and dry when you’re trying to schedule. Oooor, having a few too many heads? What’s the cost of retraining? What’s the cost of a line being down? What’s the penalty and fees for missing that deadline? Most businesses I’ve been in have a ‘no more than 10% of the department can take off at a given time’ policy anyway…so there’s inherent absenteeism anyway…staff accordingly. I might have 5 heads too many on each shift…so that’s $400k annually, good insurance to have that when not having them could cost me $100k/day.

Many of my clients over the years were family owned or closely held corps.... it it amazing the number of employees that they are the only person that knows their job. I suggested often that they document every position and cross train somebody that would at least then be familiar with the required tasks.

On a few occasions, I got called, as the computer guy, to help a new employee figure out their new job, because I was the only person that had a clue what the job entailed (more than just the data side of it).
Not so much when you consider I just loaded everyone’s annual PTO balance on Jan 1 and I have 30% usage the first quarter, and I’ve sent out 50 heads for Covid over the last 2 weeks. Plus I also give 8 ‘points’ for unpaid days as well.

Edit…you also have to remember, what costs more and is more detrimental, disgruntled employees that quit because they can’t take off or just leave you high and dry when you’re trying to schedule. Oooor, having a few too many heads? What’s the cost of retraining? What’s the cost of a line being down? What’s the penalty and fees for missing that deadline? Most businesses I’ve been in have a ‘no more than 10% of the department can take off at a given time’ policy anyway…so there’s inherent absenteeism anyway…staff accordingly. I might have 5 heads too many on each shift…so that’s $400k annually, good insurance to have that when not having them could cost me $100k/day.
Man I wish I ran your style business.
I have 32 direct reports. When I took over the additional dept in July/August we had zero redundancy. Similar to how Kaiser described above. Ive made huge strides so far. But there will always be an inherent amount of talent owned process in our business. No one is irreplaceable and the company is bigger than anyone, but we are a team of rock stars each doing their own thing. There is only so much overlap.
Edit…you also have to remember, what costs more and is more detrimental, disgruntled employees that quit because they can’t take off or just leave you high and dry when you’re trying to schedule. Oooor, having a few too many heads? What’s the cost of retraining? What’s the cost of a line being down? What’s the penalty and fees for missing that deadline? Most businesses I’ve been in have a ‘no more than 10% of the department can take off at a given time’ policy anyway…so there’s inherent absenteeism anyway…staff accordingly. I might have 5 heads too many on each shift…so that’s $400k annually, good insurance to have that when not having them could cost me $100k/day.

Holy crap. Somebody in management that actually has common sense. I cant believe it. Ive worked for the state too long, this is a strange concept for them.