NC seatbelt law help


Faster'N You
Mar 21, 2005
I encouraged one of my employees to buckle up

His reply:

It's a weighted tag and I'm working....I don't HAVE to by NC law

Is this true?

Where is that stated?
i have no idea by NC law, but I know similar laws exist in other states. In indiana for example seatbelts aren't required in pickup trucks
Your friend is an [bite tongue] - incorrect.

Weighted tag has nothing to do with it.

Unless he is a LEO -
Actively engaged in delivery or farming - at that time.
Or has a medical waiver.

He is supposed to wear it.

Here it is in print.

Side note.
Even though this happened in VA it MIGHT effect NC in the futute.

Recently a local officer was killed in the line of duty while enroute to a call. LEOs onduty are not required to wear a seat belt. I am a little sketchy on the details, but the report says the vehicle flipped over in a curve, he was NOT wearing his seatbelt, and he was ejected from the vehicle.

Officer Down Memorial Page

According to what I hear - This incident will likely cause a re-think of the policy if not the law about LEOs being required to wear a belt.
CasterTroy said:
I encouraged one of my employees to buckle up

His reply:

It's a weighted tag and I'm working....I don't HAVE to by NC law

Is this true?

Where is that stated?

I would think that common sense would prevail! LOL If it were my employee, I'de say buckle up or don't get in the truck! You're the boss, right?
Leslie said:
I would think that common sense would prevail! LOL If it were my employee, I'de say buckle up or don't get in the truck! You're the boss, right?

As long as the ticket is his and not a reflection on the company, it's on him.

I asked him to buckle up anyway.

The guys have routed the seat belt in the dump truck perminantly behind the seat and latched so they don't hear the dinging :lol:
Am I the only person here who (even though I religiously wear my seatbelt) think it is absurd, if not down right unconstitutional to require an adult to wear a seatbelt in a vehicle they are driving?

I mean how can you legally require someone to protect themselves. Don't even give me the B.S. about increased healthcare for everyone and it being a public issue. Whats next the next step in our liberal country degradation mandatory condom use? I mean think about it, its the same thing! And if someone catches an STD, and doesnt have insurance, now we have raised healthcare for everyone....I mean really statistics show you are much more likely to survive a crash when wearing a safety belt, what if I dont want to surive? Also isn't it cheaper as a society to process dead bodies than keep life support on for years?

Not even communist Soviets at their pinnacle of life control required safety precautions for individuals... If you stop and think of it, constitutionally speaking this is either 1) One hell of a slippery slope towards many absurd laws ( how about it being illegal to be obese, same concept, or perhaps illegal to skateboard or HELL drive OHVs because you could get injured) 2) A money ploy invented by the governments and backed by big insurance whips....3) B.S.

Sorry, I'm off my soap box now, this is just such an exposed nerve with me....
:beer: for everyone who read
ShyHiK5 said:
Am I the only person here who (even though I religiously wear my seatbelt) think it is absurd, if not down right unconstitutional to require an adult to wear a seatbelt in a vehicle they are driving?

I mean how can you legally require someone to protect themselves. Don't even give me the B.S. about increased healthcare for everyone and it being a public issue. Whats next the next step in our liberal country degradation mandatory condom use? I mean think about it, its the same thing! And if someone catches an STD, and doesnt have insurance, now we have raised healthcare for everyone....I mean really statistics show you are much more likely to survive a crash when wearing a safety belt, what if I dont want to surive? Also isn't it cheaper as a society to process dead bodies than keep life support on for years?

Not even communist Soviets at their pinnacle of life control required safety precautions for individuals... If you stop and think of it, constitutionally speaking this is either 1) One hell of a slippery slope towards many absurd laws ( how about it being illegal to be obese, same concept, or perhaps illegal to skateboard or HELL drive OHVs because you could get injured) 2) A money ploy invented by the governments and backed by big insurance whips....3) B.S.

Sorry, I'm off my soap box now, this is just such an exposed nerve with me....
:beer: for everyone who read

I bet you don't believe in the motorcycle helmet law, or the motorcycle headlight laws either???
Indiana now requires everyone to buckle up... I think Texas did have a similer law.

But, Proven fact seat belts save lives... Besides we need to continue working so you to help pay into SS so the baby boomers can retire :)
rockcity said:
I bet you don't believe in the motorcycle helmet law, or the motorcycle headlight laws either???

Headlight laws, YES they help protect others

Helmet, NO

Understand what I am saying, I do not think seat belts are a bad idea, quite to the contrary I ALWAYS wear mine. I just think it is not the government's job to make me save my life.
ShyHiK5 said:

Yeah, I like that one, too. "Oh, you hate your life that much? Here, let's make it better by labeling you as a criminal and throwing you in jail. HaHa, you were wrong, life CAN be worse!"...

Actually, the rationale for that one is good-intentioned at least. By suicide bein ga crime, it means that once you attempt (and fail, obviously) the state now has a mandate in your life afterwards. AKA, it gives them the authority to get some real help for you (cure mental illness of depression, anxiety etc). Instead of going to jail, most people are given the "option" of therapy, rehab etc.

Now is it really the state's business? Technically, no.
But is it society's role and our role as your colleagues to help keep you alive? Personally, I think so, but that's just my opinion, many folks would disagree and hey, that's perfectly understandable.

Notice that you can be institutionalized by being a "cleart hreat to yourself or others", hauled off by the cops. If I were a smooth talker I could argue that not wearing a seatbelt or motorcycle helmet is indeed such a clear threat. so maybe you should be hauled off for that, too...
ShyHiK5 said:
I just think it is not the government's job to make me save my life.

Oh and keep in mind, as long as yer still alive, yer probably gonna be working, and helping to keep the gov't going by paying taxes and SS. THAT's why we need you.
Best way to screw "da man" on thsi one - quit yer job, collect wellfare, THEN REFUSE to kill yourself.
I don't necessairly agree with all the laws, nor the seatbelt law 100%, but what about your family, isn't the govt really protecting them (financially, mentally, etc.) by protecting you??? What will your family do if you die? Sure theres life insurance, but a lot of people don't have it and if they do, its usually not enough to take care of the family once you're gone...

I'm not pushing either side, just looking at it at a different angle...
rockcity said:
I don't necessairly agree with all the laws, nor the seatbelt law 100%, but what about your family, isn't the govt really protecting them (financially, mentally, etc.) by protecting you??? What will your family do if you die? Sure theres life insurance, but a lot of people don't have it and if they do, its usually not enough to take care of the family once you're gone...

I'm not pushing either side, just looking at it at a different angle...

Again I would be ok with this line of thought if we were a socialist society, we are not we are a democratic society.

If I choose to purchase $100 million of life insurance and then die and my family gets it, do you have a ssay in how they spend it? If not then you have no say or RESPONSIBILITY if I leave them to starve....

Im gonna quit posting Im turning RED here.... someone has got to agree with me, anyone?
Oh Hail - I am gonna jump in (and probably regret it) -
[flame suit ON]

But I am also a faithful seat belt wearer, and wouldn't dream of getting on a cycle w/o a helmet.
AND think anyone who does not wear one of those safety devices is a FOOL.

For the record. I have been in a couple serious accidents. One in which a sealt belt saved my ass and another where I was not wearing a belt that they determined if I WAS wearing one, it would have killed me.
Life is a crap shoot. But I still wear a belt. EVERY time.

But I am against the law saying I HAVE TO wear them.
If I am of the age of concent and of reasonably sound mind (Yeah, I know we could debate that part [twitch] ) I do feel it should be my choice.

As far as locking up attempted suicides - welllll - not to open a can of worms, but in many societies mental defectives and many other forms of handicap are considered a threat to the gene pool and "allowed" to die.

Don't anyone tweak - this is just a comment. I never said I supported this practice.
In another culture I probably would have been set out on an ice flow as an infant to let nature take its course.

After a life of racing, sky diving, military service, scuba diving and a few other wholesome practices, I am convinced, my number just hasn't come up yet. I will probably step off the curb and get hit by a beer truck or slip on a bar of soap and break my neck.

Oh yeah - I smoke and I vote.
Well then, do you agree with the padded dashes car manufacturers are required to produce to protect YOU??? How about the full doors? They are all required to protect you? why nobody complains aobut that stuff??? :rolleyes: It adds costs to the vehicles!!!! Why not complain about that?? Because it doesn't affect our society of convience. Having to put a seatbelt on is not convenient and most Americans hate that. We are a society of convience, aren't we? Helmets too!!! They are not convient either, yet required and protect us. The only time they are convenient is when they save your life. I don't hear anyone complaining about the padded dashes and such; only because they don't affect our society of convience (not directly).

So, when complaining about the seatblets, complain about the padded dashes, hemets, and factory hard doors or don't complain at all :flipoff2: :D

Nothing personally directed to anyone, just stirring the pot:D
ShyHiK5 said:
Again I would be ok with this line of thought if we were a socialist society, we are not we are a democratic society.

Okay, please forgive me if I come across as an ass, but this is bugging me - and sorry for the tangent it may bring to this topic.

You have said this a few times and it is just not correct to compare democracy and socialism. They are two different things and not opposing to one another.
Democracy describes a governmental system - how heads of state are elected, laws derived etc. Opposing examples would be aristocracy, monarchy, oligarchy, parlimentary, etc. And officially we are a republic but that is a minor difference.
Socialism, on the otehr hand, describes a FINANTIAL system - how money, goods, wealth, care etc are distributed among members. In socialism, there is more care for the general, wealth is spread etc. Oopposing example is, say, capitolism, which is what is so beloved here - best man wins.
Democarcy and socialism are not opposing one another, they are independent ideas, you can have both - examples are the UK and Canada, not classic "socialists" but much more leaning that way than us by a long shot. Or hell, Switzerland, everybody votes and does pretty well, but the taxes are a bitch. Technically not democracies either but almost as close as us.

What we are discussing here is a social issue, a classic socialist idea - lets all look out for the guy who clearly needs help (or does not, that is the argument I believe). Since we ARE indeed a democracy, so if you don't like this law, you can change it by voting.

Okay, now back to the topic at hand.....
You are right, I actually kicked myself riding home from the office when that kind of hit me. Democratic capitalistic society, not commi socialist... anyway

rockcity said:
Well then, do you agree with the padded dashes car manufacturers are required to produce to protect YOU??? How about the full doors? They are all required to protect you? why nobody complains aobut that stuff??? :rolleyes: It adds costs to the vehicles!!!! Why not complain about that?? Because it doesn't affect our society of convience. Having to put a seatbelt on is not convenient and most Americans hate that. We are a society of convience, aren't we? Helmets too!!! They are not convient either, yet required and protect us. The only time they are convenient is when they save your life. I don't hear anyone complaining about the padded dashes and such; only because they don't affect our society of convience (not directly).

So, when complaining about the seatblets, complain about the padded dashes, hemets, and factory hard doors or don't complain at all :flipoff2: :D

Nothing personally directed to anyone, just stirring the pot:D

Rock you are missing the point. If I build a car for YOU I have a responsibility to protect you in my creation. If I build a car for me and me only then it has no bearing on anyone else. For example you are building a buggy right? What if I made a law that said your buggy had to be built o that a 7' tall man would not be injured in a crash, that BS because you aint 7' and it is not a product for others... OK that a shaky comparison.

The point is I choose not to wear a seatbelt Worst case scenario I die.
Who has been harmed?
What right does the government have to prevent me from harming me?

I hesitate to mention this cause this thread may go in a total wrong direction. But that is why taking drugs isnt illegal. It is illegal to sell them because you are harming someone else. It is illegal to posses them b/c you cant prove what your intentions are and you could intend to sell them. It is illegal to manufacture them, again same reason. It is illegal to be under the influence becaus of the implications for others. BUT there is no law against consuming them. Do you see the difference?

Oh well I dfeel bad that we have totally hijacked a thread but its such a sore subject with me. I am ok with being ticketed if my kids aren't buckled up (actually parents guilty of this especially toddlers seen standing in the seats driving down the interstate should be beaten) I am endangering them, I am not ok with being ticketed for hurting myself!

Oh well someone call the cops I am off to continue a slow process of poisoning myself with alcohol:beer:
ShyHiK5 said:
You are right, I actually kicked myself riding home from the office when that kind of hit me. Democratic capitalistic society, not commi socialist... anyway

Rock you are missing the point. If I build a car for YOU I have a responsibility to protect you in my creation. If I build a car for me and me only then it has no bearing on anyone else. For example you are building a buggy right? What if I made a law that said your buggy had to be built o that a 7' tall man would not be injured in a crash, that BS because you aint 7' and it is not a product for others... OK that a shaky comparison.

The point is I choose not to wear a seatbelt Worst case scenario I die.
Who has been harmed?
What right does the government have to prevent me from harming me?

I hesitate to mention this cause this thread may go in a total wrong direction. But that is why taking drugs isnt illegal. It is illegal to sell them because you are harming someone else. It is illegal to posses them b/c you cant prove what your intentions are and you could intend to sell them. It is illegal to manufacture them, again same reason. It is illegal to be under the influence becaus of the implications for others. BUT there is no law against consuming them. Do you see the difference?

Oh well I dfeel bad that we have totally hijacked a thread but its such a sore subject with me. I am ok with being ticketed if my kids aren't buckled up (actually parents guilty of this especially toddlers seen standing in the seats driving down the interstate should be beaten) I am endangering them, I am not ok with being ticketed for hurting myself!

Oh well someone call the cops I am off to continue a slow process of poisoning myself with alcohol:beer:

I agree that seat belt use should be optional. Having the seat belt in the car should not be. Same thing for the helmet. As adults who are old enough to take the responsability for driving a vehicle they (we) should take the responsability and do the right thing and wear a seat belt. (I know I do). It should NOT be a law. Alcohol and smoking do the same thing with health care costs, do they not? Yet they are legal for adults. stir, stir, stir...
man, yall are giving me all kinds of amunition.....

but I'll stop:D

K5, I'm not arguing with the law (or you), I don't really like it either (seatbelt law), I'm just looking at another side of the point to create conversation, cause nobody else is...:flipoff2:

I totally agree with the majority that believes we are perfectly competent to protect ourselves if we want to, or don't want to. Sure it should be our choice, but then again, if we choose not to (like I do a lot of times), we subject ourselves to higher risks and even tickets which costs $$$$:(

So, words of advice:

just keep the seatbelt on to save some green and your ass:D

Actually, do whatever you want, I don't care, I'm going to bed:flipoff2:
Since this thread is already completely hijacked...

For a little twisted perspective...

Sitting around the break room BS-ing before work one day, this guy (that we all kinda wondered about anyway - a sterling example of every RedNeck or WV joke you ever heard) comes in very upset. Seems he had just heard about beastiality laws. (He just found out it is illegal to have sex w/ farm animals)
Says "There shouldn't be laws like that. No Sir. That is not right. That shouldn't be a law."
And they all started looking real un-easy at him. All keeping backs to the wall - etc.
So I said, "Ya know. I agree with Preston. There shouldn't be laws like that."
And they all started looking real un-easy at ME!.

I continued in a loud voice. "Beacuse there shouldn't HAVE TO BE laws like that. Some things you are just supposed to know are WRONG!!"

The point. If there is one.
We shouldn't need laws to govern every darn thing we do. Some things we are just supposed to be responsible for our own actions about. And when we don't, there are consequenses.

In nature, the gene pool takes care of itself.

Only humans muck about with natural selection.

[Hits self over head]

"Dr. It hurts when I do this."

"Then DON'T DO that."

"But it REALLY hurts when I do this."

[repeat as necessary until reaching unconsciousness]

Here ya go.
More stupid laws.
Have some fun.

Here guys I will save you the trouble from linking above

North Carolina Crazy Law
All couples staying overnight in a hotel must have a room with double beds that are at least two feet apart. Making love in the space between the beds is strictly forbidden.

If a man and a woman who aren't married go to a hotel/motel and register themselves as married then, according to state law, they are legally married.

Looking for more dumb laws? Check out!
It's against the law to sing off key.

Elephants may not be used to plow cotton fields.

A marriage can be declared void if either of the two persons is physically impotent.

(specific cities)
Fights between cats and dogs are prohibited.

Chapel Hill
It is a misdemeanor to urinate or defecate publicly.

Women must have their bodies covered by at least 16 yards of cloth at all times.

Elon College
There is to be no rollerblading during daylight hours, on the roads, or on the bricks. All the sidewalks at this college are made of brick. (Repealed in 1998)

Forest City
You must stop and call City Hall before entering town in an automobile. This is so the townspeople will have time to go out and hold their horses until you get through town.

Restaurants "with on sidewalk dining" must post their menu so that it is clearly readable from the sidewalk, but is not readable from the street.

Massage parlors have been banned.

Kill Devil Hills
You may not ride a bicycle without having both your hands on the handle bars.

Rocky Mount
It is required that you must pay a property tax on your dog.

Southern Shores
It is against the law to rollerblade on a state highway
You can also look at it this way if you want.
You would not be able to pay to keep a car or truck on the road if not for the seat belt laws.
Some time back with the number of people getting hurt or killed in cars and trucks they found the numbers where higher with people not using belts so the made it law to use them. What this means to most is the insurance cost can be paid by most working people, if you are in a crash you have a better chance of walking away, lower doctor bills, and so on.
I use them and will not let anyone in the truck that will not.
Spend some time in a hospital sometime, my wife works at Wake Med in PT, she can show you the people in a chair for life that chose not to use them and people that did that are just a little banged up. Your family may end up taking care of you in this case and most of the time, say the guy is hurt the wife will not be able to work for taking care of him 24-7. The state will end up taking care of the bills and giving you money to live off.
Don't always think that is what insurance is for because you could of caused it or the person that did will not have insurance.
Think of it this way if you run off the road and end up in bed the rest of your life some one will be paying for you because after your insurance pays out the cap or just the ER you have no money and no one to take to court.
Your insurance will say you did it to yourself.
No life insurance tell you die but you could get long term care insurance.
It happens all the time.
Well, that's one way to look at it, I guess.

Personally I carry disability insurance in case I am injured, however if I did not and was injured I would not expect to be cared for.

I think you are missing my point.
I understand
BUT (let me repeat this analogy for those not reading the whole thing)
OK Now everyone MUST wear a condom it is a new NC law!

How do you feel?:( ?:mad: ?:gay: ?

I am not arguing against seatbelts, I guess I just support personal responsibility, if I choose not to wear a seatbelt and am injured beyond my ability to pay because of it, my worthless carcass should be thrown in the dump to rot. BUT you should not be able to force me into (or STEAL my money for not) wearing one.

Understand I am a little right of extremists in my views, and I think governments have no right dictating my actions when they do not affect anyone but myslef.
ShyHiK5 said:
Understand I am a little right of extremists in my views, and I think governments have no right dictating my actions when they do not affect anyone but myslef.

I think that this is, perhaps, the root of the general disagreement here.
I would say that, in todays world, with the communal society we live in, there is virtually no part of your life that does NOT affect other people's lives.

This would be true only if you lived by yourself and had little ocntact w/ other people, and (this is the REAL kicker) had nobody that cared about you.

Put the while money sink/insurrance costs argument aside, the truth is that people are SAD when other people get HURT.
People do not liek to be SAD.
Therefore, people try to prevent others from getting hurt.