NC4X4 Hunting and Fishing

Caught probably 50 so so trout this afternoon down in swansboro between my GF, her dad, and I. 10 keepers after working out of the smaller ones. I’ll add pics in an edit later.

Liz was being a photogenic with the specks
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Take him squirrel hunting instead of deer. A lot more around and easier to find and can be a blast to hunt

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Hes dead set on deer. However, if this goes well I might take him after some tree rats.
If he’s taking a shot gun stick a couple #7s in your pocket for when he gets tired of deer hunting

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Planning on it. Thanks for the input.
Take him squirrel hunting instead of deer. A lot more around and easier to find and can be a blast to hunt

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I had pretty much given up on hunting because I bore easily. Then a few friends and I started squirrel hunting with pistols. That was some of the most fun I have ever had hunting!
Queens creek in Swansboro this morning just as high tide was rolling in, I caught my limit in about 2 1/2 hours including a nice 19 1/2” or so one. Which in turn tweaked my back a little but I had fun. The 3 of us got 10 but had to cut it short because Liz’s dad had a doctors appointment to get to. Liz actually caught the larger speck when it struck, during the fight and going into the net.




Project doubles as a good drying rack.
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Finally got another sit in last night. Light rain all day made it easy to slip around and do some still hunting and scouting since I’ve been out of the woods so long this season. Ended up with about 12 does out in the field but holding out for some horns for a change. Got a lot of rubs around the edge of the field so I’ll probably be throwing the climber in the back of the SxS this week and just play the wind.

I spy a Bison Union hat.
Liz and her dad gathered up some oysters yesterday afternoon. Steamed them and then fried up some trout we caught earlier yesterday morning. I can’t track thru mud right now too good, but I did throw a paddle tail from the boat some. Got a decent size flounder, but the season closed in September. They haven’t announced when it’ll open again.


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My baby girl having a great time with her Paw. Green Swamp, Brunswick county NC.


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Saw 2 does Friday evening at 200 yards, but they were in some thick brush & I didn't want to chance a shot.
Saturday morning saw a 6 or 8 point at 160 yards when he finally stopped in the middle of a clearing...pulled the trigger and hit a twig. Spent 1.5 hours looking for blood with no luck & went back Saturday afternoon and cut every branch out of the clearing & mowed all the brush down.
Sunday evening right at the end of legal shooting light, I glassed the clearing one last time to spot 2 does at 130 yards and dropped one in her tracks. 120# should put ~40# of venison in the freezer...less than 1.5 hours from the trigger being pulled until she was quartered & hanging in the fridge. Finally on the board in 2019!

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Friday I Passed on a pair of does with a yearling that I couldn’t tell which one was the mom. Buddy shot a doe a little far back same night but had good blood tracked her for a little more than a .25 mile and bumped her once but pushed on since we saw the pool of blood she was laying in and the way she took off found her in a small creek ravine that she tried to jump and didn’t make it but couldn’t get out of either, he had to finish her off. Just glad we found the deer. Friday morning we put up a tripod stand in the “meat field” deer tear up this small field, we hadn’t hunted it this year because they clear cut two sides of the field two years ago and took all the good climbing trees we fought a tree all last year and I decided I was moving a tripod to it. Well we moved it and I decided I was gonna hunt it Saturday afternoon again after running deer off the corn trying to get to it Saturday morning. I thought we were going to get skirted by the rain.... it didn’t and it rained 1.5” from 2-6 pm Saturday and my dumb ass never climbed outta the tripod and I didn’t even see a deer.

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Both shot at ~150yds (5 minutes apart) and on the ground by 7:05 this AM. First one ran ~30yds; 2nd one dropped in her tracks. Got my dad to dress them since I had a meeting with Duke Energy in Huntersville. Stopped by the Stock Market in Concord after & picked up 15# of bacon to grind up into deer bacon burgers (these two plus the one from Sunday). Pretty good day today...except for does being off limits at my grandpa's for the rest of 2019!

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My 12 year old took an 8 pointer the other day. FIL and Dad are pretty proud.
Had the honor of taking a good friend out for his first deer hunt this morning. Started off on the Mitchell river game lands in the morning, and went to some family land this evening. Unfortunately, he didnt kill anything,but I think hes hooked. Now he gets to learn how to process deer on the deer i killed. Should be good eatin!

