NC4X4 Hunting and Fishing

Some more success today. He had a pretty cool fur pattern with a lot more white than I am ised to seeing.


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Kids started filling the freezer before me, Lol. They both shot the same evening down at our SC farm. Was a great hunt for everyone.
I finally culled one from the backyard with the smokepole. He was chasing that tail...
The only problem with shooting two in one sitting is having to clean two afterwards. I often find myself looking through the scope ready to shoot thinking to myself "do I really want to spend my night cleaning this doe or would I rather go in the house and chill when I get home?" The older I get "go inside and chill" wins 9 times out of 10.
I set in the woods all morning and seen two big Doe's but couldn't take them because the game Land I was on

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Black Friday bullshit??....not my cup of tea. I spent that morning in the tree and it was well worth it.

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Me and my son and a buddy hit Rocky River for a little while today. Fish were scarce but had some fun.
I was late for Thanksgiving this year...........on the ground, I let 3 grown does walk by about 4pm waiting to see who was bringing up the rear but they were alone.
beautiful day to be in the woods though, had 5 Pileateds feeding all around and above me all afternoon, and some Bald Eagles, Wood Ducks all around too.
sorry for the shity pics


Black friday coyote kill. 62 lbs. Was my first kill with my own reloads. Was very pleased with the results from the 70 gr barnes tsx.

Gee - Let's see... Thanksgiving morning, I missed a shot at a buck because I wanted to be cool and use an iron sighted FAL.

To be fair, it was fast moving in a direction that gave me a very limited field of fire... And eleven pound .308 battle rifles without a scope suck for hunting things that run away. If it had dropped to the ground, or taken cover behind a tree, or maybe returned fire, and given me another shot from ambush - I'd have tasty meat. But nooo... run away little prey.

Then Sat, I took a scoped .308 to make up for my foolishness, and saw a couple does but had no shot. It didn't help that they came up from behind me/downwind and I smelled like the Bojangles Cajun Fillet biscuit I had for breakfast.

Sigh. Next time out. I'm going to kill something.
My neighbor and I took his squirrel dogs out yesterday morning and had a fun hunt. They treed quite a few and we killed 3. Squirrel hunting with dogs isn't as fun as rabbit or deer with dogs but it's more fun than sitting on the ground waiting!
^ what load for the handgun kill?