Thanks for all the interest everyone! We've already had 20 votes so far. That is fantastic! This will be the first formal thing I've ever organized in the 4x4 community. Hopefully all will go well with such a short notice!
I do like the idea of making this a NC Trail Cleanup day. Perhaps, a URE Team and a Brown Mountain team is the way to go?
Depending on the amount of people that attend we can break into several groups to tackle the trails. Otherwise we could form one long convoy that travels each trail. Daniel actually looked fairly clean the last time I was out there. I suspect that is because most of those that are littering do not have the vehicles to make it up or the balls to make it down.
Bring whatever you have to wheel and help clean up. If you can't make it up a particular trail then you can always park and ride up with someone else and we'll swing back around to get your rig.
It isn't 100% confirmed yet whether or not we can use the name for this event, but I'm being optimistic. Is there anyone who can design a flyer/sign/logo for this day that we can attach to our rigs to help raise awareness? I'd foot the bill to have them printed on some decent paper that would hold up for a day or so. I have no design skill whatsoever, but I know how to go to the print shop!
If the guys doing the Brown Mountain run will let me know how many they need I'll have some shipped.
Pictures and video are a definite must for this. I do want to show how much trash we end up picking up. A nice big group photo of us behind all the trash would be great. I'll talk to the folks at the outpost about posting the group photo there to help spread awareness. Hopefully our doing this will make others think twice about littering on the trails.
I do have one question that I don't seem to have an answer to yet. What do we do with all the trash we pick up? Are there big dumpsters at Arrowhead or perhaps the outpost could help out? (Embarrassingly enough I've never camped Arrowhead, lol!)
Also, I'd like to limit this to mostly trash. However, if there is a chance for us to repair a fence, guard rail or move a log from a trail that would be perfectly acceptable. I'll bring a chainsaw just in case one is needed.
Who knows, perhaps we can make this an annual or bi-annual event!