NC4x4 T-Shirt Competition

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more to come... :popcorn:
I'm diggin' Mudder's concept. Somebody make it happen. I think a line drawing would be cool.
Maybe it needs a tree.
I kinda liked your verson

wow, this is very similar to what I was thinking mostly

I really like how they use the one line to do the buildings and waves, makes it flow just right. except i would do all the mountains and buildings and such with one line. we could use iconic buildings from charlotte, raleigh, greensboro and winston (one each) and of coarse add the silhouette of 3 rigs.

as Dylan would say "from murphy to manteo" or "mountains to sea"

oh, and definitely needs a tree or two, and rounded mountains.

as far as the "" goes maybe there is a way to combine it with "north carolina 4x4." like make the (4x4) font bigger so that the two phrases combine. i dunno.

someone hash this out with some good software, I think this will look the best if done right.

sheesh, now im winded. thats all i got, i promise. :D
keep the yj and you'll have a classic!
Somebody with time and skill take this and run with it:
We like it on top

Though honestly I wouldn't wear a shirt that said that...
I like the simple shirts.

My vote is for a t-shirt and a hoodie. I can't wear long sleeve shirts for 9 months out of the year, but when I do wear one, I want it to actually provide decent insulation.
On the front one of the logo's over the heart, and on the back IT'S A ROCK!
fits all brands of vehicles, tells what is on everybodys mind peroid.

I'll be closing this on Wednesday at noon. I'll try to have the poll posted Weds evening, but no promises. It might take a little while to get all this stuff organized.
Tried to fulfill the mountains to sea requests but with a different twist. the slogan could be changed to anything really just went with the typical Murphy to Manteo saying. enjoy and good luck everybody!


also just FYI the text placement & colors are easily changed so don't get hung up on those either. I was trying to keep it to just 4 colors
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