NC4x4 T-Shirt Competition

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running dog lackey of the oppressor class
Mar 13, 2005
Raleigh, NC
I'm pleased to announce the start of the NC4x4 T-Shirt Design Competition and Feats of Strength Exhibition, sponsored by and Rob's walkin-around-money slush fund!

Earn the admiration of your peers, play a bit part in a heroic tale for the ages, sleep soundly knowing you're just a little bit better than everyone else.

Do what now?

You have two weeks to submit your design for NC4x4's first T-shirt. Submit as many entries as you want, but they've got to be in by the morning of Nov 11. Designs can be for the back, the front, or both sides. Use the NC4x4 logos that are already in use or create your own. Post your entries here in this thread or email them to me and I'll post them for you.

No artistic skills? No problem. If you've got a good idea for a shirt, hack it out in MS Paint and post it up. We'll worry about making it pretty after you win.

At the end of the submission period, we'll post a poll lasting one week during which time everyone can vote for their favorite. Shameless lobbying for your favorite is strongly encouraged.

If you're not interested in submitting a design, then reply to this thread with what size shirt you would like. The first batch will probably just be short sleeve tees, but if you're interested in long sleeve or NC4x4 underoos, post up. Maybe we'll do some of those too.

What do I win?

First place prize is one gallon of Al's Liner and a Spray Gun from Triangle Specialty Coatings.

Second place prize is an ARB 3" x 10' tree saver from ECGS.

Third place wins a receiver shackle kit from Carolina Truggies.

I would ask everyone to go check out all of our vendors and see what they have to offer.

Disclaimers, etc.

There are a few contingencies which are worth mentioning here:

Prizes will be handed out according to the vote tallies. However, NC4x4 reserves the right to choose another submission or part or all of several submissions for the final shirt design. Shirts will be screen printed, so designs may require modification or alteration to fit the format.

Depending on how many submissions we receive, there is the possibility of a runoff vote to determine the placing of the top three entries. I can't say with any certainty what circumstances would lead to this, but I'm going to throw it out there just in case. If there are 20 submissions, we might have a runoff with the top 5 or 10 vote-getters, etc.

Submissions are made with the understanding that they will be treated as though they have a Creative Commons attribution license.

We're going to work to keep the final cost of the shirt as low as possible. We can't settle on a hard price just yet, but we can do a shirt, shipped, for well under $20, maybe under $15.



You earn an A for being the first entry.

You earn an F for effort.

Bust out the crayons and get to work. :flipoff2:
Sign me up for a 3XL! OH and I'd love some boxers with the NC4x4 badge logo on the front! hahah Can I get those in john deere green?
^^^gonna be hard to compete with the pro's.

Ok. Here is my entry. Please dont give me an F.

Colors and Fonts should be left up to the pro's.

Shirt will have the NC4X4.COM logo on the front breast.

On the back It will simply read...
Because you can't stay at the campfire


Life after the

I like simple shirts without too much ''jazz'' on them.
because it displays a lack of consistent branding. :rolleyes:
not busting on you or anyone, just answering the design question with a designers answers. ;)

Yes, that's part of the problem. Rob ordered 5000 of those stickers, so we're ... uh... stuck with them for a while. It would be nice to nail down some consistent branding. Good shirt ideas may help shape that.
I am not the most talented at this kind of stuff (at all!) but I will give this a shot, and see what I could come up with! it may or may not be worth entering, time will tell. Great idea, and one way or the other, I will buy one or two.
I'm gonna give it a shot to come up with something. Win or lose I'm down for at least two of them.
I'm in for 2 mediums!!!

it's all I could come up with :lol:

somthing like this for the back and just a small logo on the front. maybe with somone off the forum's jeep , those are just random


  • nc4x4.jpg
    107.8 KB · Views: 454
lol I had a feeling that was gona be a prob. well not just a jeep put a jeep and toyota, or chevy, ford, vw it don't matter. two buggies just an idea
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