need to rent/ borrow trailer again


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
For the weekend of 23, 24, 25th of this month. Need one with brakes at least 16ft long, dual axle, good spare tire and tagged on the cheap is possible. I will of course fix, replace anything if something was to happen. I would need to pick it up the evening before or so. Thanks!- Richard
good spare tire and tagged

Tryin to tell me somethin? :lol:

I got those issues worked out, there was a screw in that one tire, and I got the paperwork to get a new tag (gonna have to mount it a little more securly than ziptie's this time i guess :shaking: ) , but I'll be usin mine that weekend fer the rockrace otherwise i'd let you borrow it again.
Tryin to tell me somethin? :lol:
I got those issues worked out, there was a screw in that one tire, and I got the paperwork to get a new tag (gonna have to mount it a little more securly than ziptie's this time i guess :shaking: ) , but I'll be usin mine that weekend fer the rockrace otherwise i'd let you borrow it again.

No worries man, just driving a lot farther this time.. Thanks for the offer.,

Bigwaylon you have a pm.